Don't believe the nub theory now...atall


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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I asked the woman who was scanning me about the nub theory they had never heard of it and said that at this stage the baby has both bits and whatever hormone is stronger will take over so i guess its not true afterall? xxx
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i dont av a clue about this nub stuff

but i thought your babys sex was determained by the man sperm and this was from day but you could only tell after a certain point because it takes a certain amount of time for the dodar to be seen??
I really dont have a clue to be honest just what the woman said, i think mine is a boy though gut feeling xxx
to be perfectly honest, i dont even know what nub theory means?!?
I had a gut feeling I was having a girl but from the scan pic and nub theory thought it was boy and he is supposed to be a boy if he ever decides to come out but think it is too early at 12 weeks to determine x
The bit between the babys legs now will point at a certain angle up for boy down for a girl. Well thats what i think lol xxx
I found it to be a load of old nonsense personally! Everyone said boy based on that theory and she is 100% a little girlie :)
Each parent contributes half of a baby's genetic make up. The female or mother is genetically an XX, so she is only able to contribute an X to the future baby. The father of the baby is XY and can contribute either an X or a Y. This means that sperm is the deciding factor in how your baby's sex is determined.

haha ive read way to many books lol,

another facter to think about is this - boy sperm r fast but only lasts inside a woman 2/3 days
- were as girl sperms are much slower but can last 5/7 days

they say people who have had sex loads an every day are more likely to have a boy due to the fact as when the woman ovulates the males sperm would be first there as hes the fastest,

were if you were to have sex once a week or every 4 days you are more likely to have a girl coz the males sperm would of rushed of being speedy n have nothing to greet them at the other end n the dye off, leaving the girl sperm who just plodds alone free to fertailise

now this is only ruff coz you could be one of them lucky people who only have sex twice a week but happen to have it bang in ovulation which would mean you prob would have a boy but i find if really interesting

hehehe x x x
Oh i remember that in science in school the x and y lol! Do you think the woman was talking shit? lol. Hmmm i dunno what to believe now lol xxx
I read a book once "Questions you would never ask your doctor but want to know!" And that said that all babies develop as female at first, and thats why men have nipples!
personaly yer but im not a professinal, i always got told and it says in books the man determaines the sex of your baby from day one with his lil fellas hahaaha x x x
I read a book once "Questions you would never ask your doctor but want to know!" And that said that all babies develop as female at first, and thats why men have nipples!

that would make sence, eggs being xx (girl)
and sperm being X(girl) y (boy) hehe i feel like a science teacher hahahahah
I read a book once "Questions you would never ask your doctor but want to know!" And that said that all babies develop as female at first, and thats why men have nipples!

that would make sence, eggs being xx (girl)
and sperm being X(girl) y (boy) hehe i feel like a science teacher hahahahah

Yeah that would make sense lol! xxx
But ive heard of people misscarrying before 12 week and then them doing tests to find out if it was a girl or boy? :eh: xxx
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not all sonographers know about nub theory it easier to tell on or have more correct % the closer you are to 13 weeks when you have your scan alot of people have been correct on the nub theory i will let you know at my 20 week scan lol my babys nub indicated girl but as i was 12 weeks it could of gone a different angle so only time will tell
The sex is determined the moment the sperm hits the egg, its the sperm that decided whether it is a boy or girl!
Rósa;1721269 said:
The sex is determined the moment the sperm hits the egg, its the sperm that decided whether it is a boy or girl!

:dance::dance:this is what i was lead to believe x
not all sonographers know about nub theory it easier to tell on or have more correct % the closer you are to 13 weeks when you have your scan alot of people have been correct on the nub theory i will let you know at my 20 week scan lol my babys nub indicated girl but as i was 12 weeks it could of gone a different angle so only time will tell

Oh would be good to see if it was right xxx
Your baby knows what it is from the moment of conception, but the appearance of both sex's genitalia will look very similar when you're at 12-14 weeks. The only real difference that you can spot from an ultrasound will be the "angle of the dangle", as a website put so eloquently. :lol:

This is what all the nub-theorists analyze when they have their ultrasound. While it can be fun to try to guess off of a nub, I still wouldn't personally go out buying pink or blue based on that alone. Some people are rather good at guessing, but it is still a guess.

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