does your oh do this?

I wouldn't be happy with all of those things he has done together, something would be niggling at me that something wasn't right.

Think it's a bit extreme to not have male/female friends so you don't get tempted though :shock: My dh has female friends and most of my friends are male but we only have eyes for each other and we trust each other so I wouldn't make him give up female friends and I know he wouldn't make me give up my male friends.
frangelle said:
lisa&alex said:
im a qualified councellor and while on my course my lecturer said that its human nature to take what is offered to them, especially mens. he said if it was offred to you, and this person was good looking etc, there is no way that any one would turn sex down with them. - i argued with him, he said you are only saying that coz ur a newlywed! lol.. anyway thats another story..

That's concerned me :( What sort of relationship do you have if your mans always gonna cheat if its offered to him on a plate?

What was he a lecturer of and was it based on research and studies, lol?!!

That is odd, I agree its human nature to be tempted, but there is such a thing as self control - its just some men have it and some dont I think!
Good on you!! Hope you feel better when you've done it hun :hug: I don't have any men friends, my husband doesn't have any women friends - mainly because I don't like it and we're ok. For some people it's ok for others it isn't. I'd do the same :hug: :hug: :hug: (now i'm thinking none of what i've put makes sense) :oops: :rotfl:
glitzyglamgirl said:
frangelle said:
lisa&alex said:
im a qualified councellor and while on my course my lecturer said that its human nature to take what is offered to them, especially mens. he said if it was offred to you, and this person was good looking etc, there is no way that any one would turn sex down with them. - i argued with him, he said you are only saying that coz ur a newlywed! lol.. anyway thats another story..

That's concerned me :( What sort of relationship do you have if your mans always gonna cheat if its offered to him on a plate?

What was he a lecturer of and was it based on research and studies, lol?!!

That is odd, I agree its human nature to be tempted, but there is such a thing as self control - its just some men have it and some dont I think!

as i said it was another story.. he was a counsellor, and a leacturer of HE counselling studies, i have my concerns about him.. and wasnt sure wether he really ment it or he was just trying to rock the boat. i hope if me or my husband were ever put in the position of it being offered on a plate that we would love and respect each other anough to say no.

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