Does OH know

That's lovely, and to be fair it is a really big support network, I'd be lost sometimes without it x is almost cit myself off from.the outside world after I had a breakdown last year, I gave up my job, and hardly left the house, now my confidence is coming back and I start a new job on Monday at the infant school PF has been there for me and I'm so grateful to lots of girls here x
ye my other half knows, im kinda addicted lol
he woulda found out sooner or later.
i agree i think hes glad im not pestering him :)
My OH knows and thinks that it is great that women in the same situation can come on here and talk. xx
I have this....he has his car forum :) x both sit behind our phones typing away... Haha xx
My DH knows and he's glad I have somewhere to chat and learn from.

Sometimes if I'm a bit down he does say to me that I can to talk to him and not just forum people. Bless him.

I think he's glad I'm not nattering away at him all the time though. X
My oh knows i come on here. He seemed fine with it, but he knows how excited i am! Its nice to know your not the only one ttc and going insane at the same time. :)

I think my other half is more worried about baby shopping then anything else :) im going to be in my element shopping for our first born :D
My OH knows and although he thinks I am a bit obsessed with the whole thing, he doesn't mind me coming on here. As I pointed out to him, me coming on here means I don't talk to him about everything 24 hours a day!
My OH doesn't know and to be honest I think he'd think I was being a bit obsessive. Although saying that he'd be glad I'm getting support and chatting to like minded people. Like a lot of your OH he really doesn't get all this ttc so this place is a life saver! :) xx

yeah my OH knows and I'm sure he thinks I'm mad because i am happy to share information i would not normally disclose - like levels of BD!!!!!

my OH knows, he's not really interested, although have suggested he might find the blokes room useful and he said he'd think about it. he looks over my shoulder sometimes and comments but I thnk he's glad I have support here. couldn't do it without him knowing, we are pretty open about everything.
my OH knows and thinks im a bit mad coming on a few times a day but i jut said its like facebook but the ppl here wont get annoyed if i go on about preg stuff, he sits next o me most of the time and i know he has a nose if its an interesting thread lol
My DH knows. He is happy that I have this as it helps keep me sane and not worry about slightest thing. If I have concerns I come on here and get told its normal. :-) xx
he knows i read threads and posts on here but he doesnt know im a member asking questions, having rants, freaking out over stuff etc!! if we are watching telly and he heres me typing away he is like "tell me your not on that site?!" and im like "no, on facebook". i dont know why he thinks its so weird! i have no one else to talk to about OPKs, whether there is a chance in im this month etc!
My OH knows and is not fussed, thinks im abit bonkers sometimes xxx
my OH knows and encourages me to come on here to chat :) he goes on footie forums so it's only fair! haha xxx
I told my DH as soon as I signed up to the forum. He is really understanding and he is part of a car forum so e goes on his and I go on here. I think hes glad Im able to vent on here with people in same situation rather than talking to him 24/7 about it all lol xx
My DH is gettin more and more understanding every day.
Earlier I was on here on my phone and, without even looking at what I was on, he just said 'how are all the ladies on ur pregnancy forum keeping?' LOL x

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Mine doesn't know, but that's just because he's always at work or I'm at work so I come on here for support. He's really good though so would probably just shrug it off as something I need to do xx
My OH knows I've got info off a forum but he doesn't know how addictive I am to here. I wouldn't hide it from him though, so if he asked about it I would tell him and maybe once we're activily ttc I'll talk to him more about it.

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