Screw what other people think lol
If you like dexter then go for it
Effin' spot on!!!
My ex- MIL didn't like the name Kaya, said the 'k' is a harsh-sounding letter, why not go for a smoother sounding name.
But the name suits the girl.
We were going to have Sid (Sidney) for a boy but a few said it sounded old fashioned, and we then found out this new years that OH's cousin had already contemplated it for one of her girls, also (not that it was used) and I think then was when OH decided that maybe it would be a middle name.
I like the welsh 'Taliesin' for a boy, there is also one at my stepson's school, so I know how it's pronounced (easily - Tal, not tall, the regular pronounciation of the letter 'e', then 'essen'). Wonder what my OH will say when I suggest Taliesin Sidney.
We find out tomorrow (hopefully) if it's a blue flavour or a pink flavour - I don't like the colour terms though, someone said they hope Beckham gets a pink baby - well, so do I, if their baby wasn't pink, there would be a very long media coverage of a baby's funeral! Or VB would be condemned for sleeping around...........