Does it get easier?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2012
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So me n fob had pretty shitty relationship at times spesh near the end.. But the good times where amazing but in the end the bad out weighed the good..
I still love him to bits altho i hate to admit it.. Feel like i lost a big part of my life..
We have finally become so we are just going to be civil but somthing inside breaks every text i get without 'xx' and him saying he doesnt want to see me other than scan app's .. Ino ive said same to him just breaks me hearing him say i dont want to see you..
He was violent at times and controlling pretty much 24.7 .. Ive been trying to include him in all decisions i make frm the pram to the type of bottles..
He hates the name i love i hate the names he comes up with..
It just feels so awkward and horrible think id rather him not wanna no at all .. Hes made thousands of promises which ino will not be met .. Im still waitin for 500 quid so i cab buy car sear, bedding and bath and put the rest away for wen i need nappies ect..
But does it get easier? Will i stop feelin like i want him bk? Will i be able to stop looking at my phone wishin he'd text?
Ino im better off but guess wen u love somone u love em..
I no i need to get a grip n be shook lol ino being a single mom wont be easy but anyone felt how i have n now really happy? Xx
Thanks for the feedback..
Yeh i do need to move on ino already just finding it hard espesh wen he texts me like he did tonight saying he loves me and baby.
Ino we dont work and ino we are not good together.
Just wondered if this feeling of guilt for my baby not being raised into a nuclear family .. And guess the brokeness i feel ever goes when you share a child with that person
Very true. However i cant see it working.
I guess i kinda need to detach myself fully.. Just as long as hes there for my boy properly i will never have anything to moan about. Lol
And the money side as long as he helps out with formula nappies and the essentials il be more then happy.

Just honestly thought id found my prince and we were going to be a family.
Never mind live and you learn
I know exactly how u feel. My ex left me a couple of months ago and it sounds a similar situation. I too sit looking at my phone wishing he would call or text. I know I need to move on but its far easier said than done. I still love him, he meant the world to me and that's not something u can just get over straight away. We already have a son who he sees twice a week and having to see him and speak to him is torture for me. All I want is for us to be a happy family all together but it doesn't look that way now. If we were meant to be together we will be. For the time being I'm just concentrating on looking after my son and me and bump and living day to day. It is getting slightly easier as time goes on but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna feel this way for a long time yet. Ihope u find happiness whatever happens Xx
hey i wanted to let you know.. i'm not single anymore but in parental terms i am as i keep my boyfriend time for weekends when my son is at dads, the other time it's single mommy time..

but anyway trailing off point!

i'm really happy with i not with FOB anymore, i wasn't able to enjoy my little one when i was in a miserable relationship. sometimes it's a lot better to part ways with something that makes you feel like that. 'cause you can enjoy the things in life that make you happy - your baba :D i go to a parent group and meet new mums there so it's worth a look at whats going on in your local surestart - makes you feel a lot more supported!

hope you're ok.. :hug:
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Hey, I've been there and i promise it gets easier! I had 3 children with him but we just weren't happy. At the start i would constantly cry, keep checking my phone/emails and hardly ate and lost 3 odd stone all whilst painting a happy face for the kids 3 under 4. It was tough but now just over 2 years later i'm engaged and 4th child on the way :). Keep your chin up and do what's best for you both in the long run.
Bird!!!! I promise you it gets easier. The first time me and fob split I was so unhappy, I thought my life was over etc etc. I was about 6 months pregnant and it felt like my world was caving in. We got back together because I thought that was the best option, it wasn't, everything was still the same, people like that never change, we stayed together for over a year and it was pure hell. In the end I ended up hating him, the first year of my boys life I was so unhappy because of fob and I'll never get that time back, and I'll never forgive him or myself for putting myself in that situation. I wish now that I'd stayed away the first time, it would've been a lot easier then. Anyway my point is, you're doing the right thing, you said you know it doesn't work so just keep remembering that, one day you'll wake up and he won't mean anything to you other than being lo's daddy. As for the single parent bit, it's hard at times but in that situation the good definitely out weighs the bad. You know where I am if you ever wanna chat xx

Love, Jugs x
Thanks girlies ..
Thanks for that stace. :)
Glad your better off now to :)
Im gettin there slowly xx
Just keep busy, surround yourself with happy positive people and eventually it will wear off so to speak.

Love, Jugs x

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