When Do You Stop...


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Loving Them?

I hate Jon. I think he's a selfish arsehole and I resen him for making mine and Evie's life so hard. I resent him for blowing hot and cold with me and I cant work out how he is the same man I had a baby with.

BUT I still love him moe than anyone else. I think about him everyday and if anything was to happen to him I'd be devastated.

:? I dont want to feel like this- I want to be able to remove him from my life like he removed me and Evie from his.

How long is it going to take?
When someone leaves us i think we start seeing thinks through rosy glasses... the relationship was great, he did this he did that.. if you actually sat down and really thought about Jon and your relationship you'd see what a arse he's been. He doesn't deserve you and your little girl. You deserve alot better! Also i think we think we're missing them alot more when really all we are missing is someone being there. :hug: :hug:
Awwww honey :hug: I know its an old fashioned saying but Time is a great healer :hug: I dont know what else to say but :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Wow i thought i was the only one who felt like this, you have said EXACTLY how im feeling to! :( I havent seen him in 4 months and i know that if he came to see ryan in the future i would probably get the same butterflies i always did when i saw him :( grr its so annoying
the moment i met chris i stopped loving my ex

it was weird i hated him completly but if he had come back said i love u have me back well be a family i would have jumped at the chance, but within 20 mins of re meeting chris i fell out of love with my ex, i realised how i was ment to be treated like i was special not a peice of dirt.
i still think of my ex now very occasionally but only to laugh at wot his missed out on, his not seen or bothered to care about his son in over 2 yrs now so stuff him.
:-( i don't know i wish i could turn my feelings off too.
When i split from mr x, it took over a year to get over him and really move on. I had to acknowledge what a shit he is and how he ruined my life.

But i met Tommo and when i was him mr x was out of my head. Time is a great healer though so its all true.
Even though i love Dave and Tallypoo more then anything else and i really dislike Phill, unfortunately i still care about him.

I hate when i'll think about something and it'll lead to a thought of something i did with Phill and i always think "oh that was a good time" i think to myself a year ago today i was a wreck as he'd walked away from me as i was pregnant and he was getting with other women, when i was giving birth ot his baby he was sleeping iwth some girl he'd been cheating on me with, and everytime he siad he loved me was a lie.

It IS rose tinted glasses, i dont immediately remember all that pain he put me through, just that we did have some good times.

I find if i'm busy i dont think about it but soemtimes it helps to think about it and go over it in my head, it helps me be sure i'm 10x happier now
Mines a weird situation.

He is not allowed to be with us on ss say so.
Even thou I know hes done wrong I hold out the hope hell chage and be able to come back to us because I love him soooo much.
I get angry at times aswell thou and call him up telling him hes a selfish pri*ck for not getting his act together sooner.
Even thou he is now clean its still very early days and there is a while to go before ss will allow him back.
I want him back in my life but to come home clean with no a doubt in my mind re the drugs as I dont want it around me.

See this dont make much sense.
Its a complicated mess.
I still care about Mike, course I do - he gave me the best thing in my life so for me to hate him would mean hatin havin Jamie, not gonna happen lol :talkhand: :lol:
mummykay said:
I still care about Mike, course I do - he gave me the best thing in my life so for me to hate him would mean hatin havin Jamie, not gonna happen lol :talkhand: :lol:

Thats such a mature attitude Kay.

To many people let theres hatred towards there ex get in the way.

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