Does he know?

Evidently so must my MIL.

I was going through tops he got for Christmas and one says "BEST BROTHER IN THE WORLD" :lol:

We werent even pregnant then :shock:

I think its been a case of she hasnt read the words :p

Evidently so must my MIL.

I was going through tops he got for Christmas and one says "BEST BROTHER IN THE WORLD" :lol:

We werent even pregnant then :shock:

I think its been a case of she hasnt read the words :p


Unless she was hinting for another grandchild :lol:
Most likely not... My neice is 6m old atm, but Im sure shell be pleasantly surprised like last time :lol:

Its for the next size up too.. Haha

My little boy does know I ma pregnant as I told him, but he keeps talking about his 'sister' and he can't wait to take her to the park etc etc xx
We told Olly from the beginning there was a baby in mammys tummy but he as only just turned 2 at the time, from about 16 weeks he kept calling my tummy 'daisy' - funny enough we ended up having a girl. When he came to visit at the hospital he came over and said 'here's daisy' - well because of what he said early on I stuck with the name and we love it,
But it's very strange xx
I was quite skeptical reading this tbh, but after visiting my mom and little sister who is 4, ive completely changed my mind. I was sitting in the living room with my family and she just came out with "Ashleigh, do you have a baby in your belly" obviously no one knows I'm only 5+1. And when we first got there is saw her stare at my stomach for a moment... Obviously I had to come back with whyy? Have I gotten that fat loool. When we was alone in asked her why she asked me if I had a baby in my belly she said I dont know i asked if she thought I had a baby in my belly and she just said yeah and walked off lol x

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