Keeping pregnancy a secret


Jun 26, 2007
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I have recently found out that I am pregnant (great news!) but I have a very busy diary this summer with various weddings and friends staying over. I normally like a few drinks with friends (!) and know they will have a barrage of questions for me as to why I am not drinking (one of the is a nurse). Can anyone advise of any decent tips or excuses from past experience to stop my friends from guessing.
I think the best excuse is that you are taking antibiotics. I think thats right lol. Tell your friends you have an ear infection or something :rotfl:
I've had the same issues but i've come up with various excuses not to drink. I've done the "i'm driving" excuse and also "I had a few too many drinks last night so I can't handle drinking tonight". So far no one has commented too much. Oh also you can also pour yourself a glass of wine and just walk around it with it. People don't really tend to keep tabs on how many you've had or how quickly it's going down.
Stick to cocktails if possible - I was on the mojitos all night last Sat and no-one thought they might be virgins! :dance:
Or see if there is any non alchoholicwine :rotfl:

Car is a good one, and i love the virgin cocktails as well! I just told people i was wrecked the night before and felt ill or i had a viral infection and am taking antibiotics
I stopped drinking when I was TTC and I wasn't exactly a heavy drinker before that. So it hasn't really been an issue.

Having said that, I'm a really crap liar. If anyone asked me outright, I wouldn't be able to deny it. It would feel wrong, somehow, like I was denying someone their existence.
Okaasan said:
Stick to cocktails if possible - I was on the mojitos all night last Sat and no-one thought they might be virgins! :dance:

I was on the virgin mojitos all night on sat :D
When I was preggers I used to just drink plain tonic water with a slice of lemon in it or schweps and people really didn't even question it. Or if someone is buying a round just enthusistically accept a glass of wine but don't drink it. People honestly don't seem to notice.
I was the only one not drinking at my work's christmas meal, and that was really unlike me!! A couple of people asked but I just said I didn't fancy drinking! Sometimes you just get like that where you don't fancy a drink even though you could have one if you wanted, so no-one questioned it.
My tip would be drinking non-alcholic Becks which is rather nice but also you have to look reasonably carefully to notice the alcohol free bit on the label!

Personally I have been telling people we are trying to get pregnant and so I have stopped the alcohol while trying - I don't know if this has convinced anyone but at least then they are polite enough not to ask. The worst thing is someone making a joke and you ending up telling them when you don't want to. I did that to one of my friends at 10 weeks who was fine but another friend did it to her friend at 6 weeks and she went on to M/C.

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