Does he know?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Wondering if any of your LOs have mentioned another baby since you finding out you were pregnant?

Im a great spiritual believer and believe kids have senses that our adult closed minds do not. Example remembering past lives, seeing spirits.

Anyway when I was wee I had a lot of ghost friends that I know of now Im older and luckily have kept on the spiriual path.

However recently in the past 2 weeks Jackson has been coming over to me and saying "sister" and walking away. He knows I am Mummy of course and Ive only asked him once ages ago before even finding out I was pregnant. He doesnt know yet and hasnt heard us in any detail as its early days and we havent made many plans.

Before this hed also say shhhh the babys crying or the baby is sleeping which kind of unsettled me as Ive recently had a loss. Of course it doesnt frighten me but curious to know if anyone has had similar. I am a great believer of spirit babies and know they can present themself at any age, whats more acceptabke to who they show themself to.

Anyway back to the original point have any of your elder kids suspected a baby or gender and was right? Hes quite adamant with sister, I hope I manage to meet his demands :lol:

I best book a private reading. I must look or sound like a nut job :lol:

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Sofia drew pictures of me pregnant at school for weeks before I found out I was pregnant! Xxx
Hes pretty adamant.

Ill be sitting and he says sister, he asked santa for a sister aswell. I feel like he thinks Im a hen that can lay on demand:lol:

Its super weird. Does she say what she thinks your having?

Yes, my daughter keeps asking if there is a baby in my tummy... Haven't told her yes or no as we are waiting to hear a heartbeat. It's crazy!
Our son knows but we told him so that's not strange :) But when I was 7, one evening I was sitting with my mom and told her "Mummy, you're pregnant." She was only a few weeks then and nobody told me yet. I also knew I was getting a sister. So yes, children can know. With us it worked both ways. My mother knew I was pregnant of ds when I just found out and I don't even see her that much so she couldn't have guessed because my symptoms. She just knew.
Sofia is adamant she's having a baby sister called Molly. I also think it's a girl and it'll it is, we shall be calling her Molly xx
Oh I hope Jackson doesnt want to pick the name lol. I dont even know that yet.. I have 1 boy name. Thats it lol.

I think he deffo knows hes been quite cligy past few days.

He says "Give me a kiss" randomly lol.
A friend of mine had her first baby at 24 weeks and unfortunately the little angel didn't survive. She has a little boy now and recently she showed me a photo of the little boy and you can clearly see next to him a little girls face. And he always talks to her, even though she hasn't ever told him anything as he's only little. I definitely believe in things like this xxx
I actually love the name that sofia has chosen haha and ad loves it too so thats a bonus xx
I think they can definitely sense things as they're more 'aware' than adults. I've looked after several children with autism who have been very good at predicting pregnancies, illnesses and even the weather! X
My son with autism told me today, 'Mommy you got a baby in tour tummy! Also said that the 'other' baby is sleeping tight by the stars and will come back when he is better!
I think DsS is too old to pick up on these things now, when I first met him and he'd just turned seven, he would have known.

Mum had a reading in November, they told her a baby was coming in 'late summer', she went home and did her own pendulum questions and got 'December' (when I conceived) and 'August' (which would not be that far off, EDD is 10th Sep, I could go early).

We conceived about 19th Dec, and by Xmas day on our long dive up North my head said 'There's four of us in the car' (i.e. me, DH, DsS and LO) and I was feeling sick at eating left over sandwiches the next day lol
I know it can happen I think Im more just taken aback.

Im doing spiritual development so atm Im still finding out my own senses or gifts as some may call them.

I would definitely encourage him if he shows any signs because being intuitive is a very good way to live, its a shame we grow to be so shut off from things.

Elise is adament shes getting a sister she also talks about the baby in the sky and asks wen it will come back and i have to xplain that baby stays up in the clouds now xx
My son told me there was a baby in my tummy and my mum told me on the same day she dreamt I was pregnant so I took a test later that day as it was bugging me and it came back with a bfp and my son was insistent they would be girls and they were. I do believe children can sense these things :) xxx
jack is three as well, we havent told him (because he'd tell everyone!) but he did kiss my belly the other day.

i'd love for him to just know and to tell me what gender it is! it would be an amazing story for when they're older xxx
My son is too young to understand. He turns 2 in March and has not got a clue :lol:
My 2 and a half year old daughter knew we were pregnant before we told weeks and weeks. She started telling everyone at nursery that there was a baby in Mummy's tummy. We had told nobody at that point. I think they can definitely sense these things. xx

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