sex or no sex

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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Hi all

I am in a dilemma. :?

Do I want to know the sex of the baby or not. I found out at 30 weeks with my second and I think that I want to know this time but I am not sure. Anyone out there going to find out the sex of their baby or could anyone talk me out of finding out. :cry:

My DH doesnt want to know the sex.

I am going to find out mine if possible, i didnt find out on my daughter till i was 33 weeks and it killed me! lol

i would love to be able to wait till the birth and get a suprise but im so impatient, i need to know so i can buy pink or blue, i dont like lemon, mint and white.

I definitely agree. There are only so many white things that you can buy. I have two boys already and if we are having a girl I want pink pink and definitely more pink!!!

When can they tell is it at your 20 week scan?

yeah its at 20 weeks, thats if the baby is laying right, my daughter was a pain and had her legs crossed lol so i couldnt find out till 33 weeks, but my son let us see on 20 weeks with him, fingers crossed this baby will too :)
I want to know and am really hoping that the baby will be lying in the right position for us to be able to see.

5 weeks tomorrow til hopefully we find out :D :D :D
You are sooo lucky. I have got my 12 scan next week and then my next scan is 10 long weeks after that. I think that I will find out and then share with everyone on here as I will have to tell someone as DH will not want to know.

Good luck in 5 weeks and let's hope that baby is going to cooperate. My second boy lay there showing all his glory off, you couldnt miss what he was!

I don't know if I want to! First I said I did and so did OH - then we decided we didn't and he still thinks this - but now I want to know coz I m too damn impatient! :lol: I do like the idea of someone shouting over it's a boy or its a girl, but can I wait that long?! I have another 29 weeks to go!! :roll:
I know what you mean. I am so 50 / 50. As this is my last one i dont know what to do.


I need the decision taken away from me. I mean if i decided to know and the baby's legs were crossed then that would be fine. but knowing my luck the legs would be open for all to see.

Yeah I know - I know what girlie bits look like on a scan so if it's there to see in all it's glory i'll know if it's a girl - don't know about boys bits tho on scans - not seen it. We want to have a babybond done also so again we may not have a choice! I guess I will just wait coz OH wants to and if we catch a glimpse them we are lucky :D MIL would go banana's if we found out anyway - we have to do it HER way :roll:
Well I am a very organised person by nature ( I think it is because I am a capricorn) and I am almost 100% certain that I will want to know so that I can buy the right clothes and accesories etc....

Anyway, I am convinced that I am having a boy as I am craving savoury foods, we had BD on the peak day of my fertile phase and also the chinese predictor said it was a boy as well.

This may all be rubbish, but this is what I think at the moment! :D :D :D :D :D :D

As long as he/she comes out in one piece and is happy, then we are happy.
Sarah W Baby Belly said:
Well I am a very organised person by nature ( I think it is because I am a capricorn) and I am almost 100% certain that I will want to know so that I can buy the right clothes and accesories etc....

Anyway, I am convinced that I am having a boy as I am craving savoury foods, we had BD on the peak day of my fertile phase and also the chinese predictor said it was a boy as well.

This may all be rubbish, but this is what I think at the moment! :D :D :D :D :D :D

As long as he/she comes out in one piece and is happy, then we are happy.

You took the words right out of my mouth - I am a Capricorn, want to be organised, etc, hate not knowing and being rushed when there is no need to be, and also think I am having a boy for some reason! Wow - are we twins?! :lol:
Hi Davina

we decided eventually we did not want to know the gender and now I've had my second and final scan, we won't get to know until the big day. I'm really pleased and looking forward to finding out now - it's a lot of fun guessing!!!

BUT it is my first baby - I think if I already had children then I may be a little more practical and want to find out!

Tough call - all I can say is once you know, you know and there's no going back!

I also know of two people who were told they were having boys and ended up having girls!!! So it's not guaranteed particularly at a 20W scan (I think you're pretty safe if you're having a late scan, or if you have had any invasive testing involving DNA).

Hope this helps & good luck with your 12 week scan!


it is the 4D imagery scans and you get a video/DVD of your baby and also get to see everthing they do and can also find out the sex of the baby if you want to. My mate had one done and they are so well worth the money - defintely.
I've booked my 4d scan got it on 23rd July i'll be nearly 27 weeks can't wait, will post some pics when i've got them :lol:
I say keep it a surprise, I really wanted to know, but my mum conviced me that it is the greatest surprise of your life, and its fun trying all the therorys and guessing. Plus once its born you get to phone round everyone and anounce its a girl or its a boy as apposed to its here! As for buying things for it we have bought some essentials but clothes are the things that most people buy as presents once its born anyway so you only really need to get a few basics for the early days. Also a lot of things go to waste if its quite a large baby, when my niece was born she was too big for all the newborn clothes so she never even wore them!

I think that I am going to wait to be surprised. It will be like Christmas but only better.

I have got my 12 week scan next Thursday and apparently I will get my C section date then so it will be easy for me to count down the days.

When i had my 20 week scan i was told that they think it's a girl but are not 100% . Apparently the genitals of an unborn baby are swollen so a girls bits can actually look like a boys bits, the only way of telling for sure is if they actually see the little willy. My mums friend was also told she was having a boy and had a girl. I've booked to have the 4D scan done so hopefully this will show us for sure the sex as it's more clear than a 2D scan :D

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