Does anyone else feel like this?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
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Well the last few weeks seem to have flown and have now moved in with you lovely ladies in Tri 3. :hug: This is my first baby and I don't have anybody close that has had a baby so feel my knowledge is non-existent.

I have been reading the books etc and looking on the net but I sometimes worry that baby is not far off arriving and how will I know what to do :shock:

Anybody else feel like this? I just worry if I am going to be a good Mum and how will I know when to do what etc
Aww hun :hug: I'm the same, this is my first baby and dont have anyone close that has had a baby, and I have held a newborn once!!!!

I feel like i dont have a clue either and get myself all worried about stuff like am I going to be a good mum, how will I know what to do etc.... also this responsibility of a little person 24/7 who is relying on me to provide for them :shock:

I'm actually not too worried about the birth, although getting a bit anxious as I know time is getting shorter!

OH seems to just take it all in his stride and is actually getting impatient at the moment! :D :D

people keep saying how it will "all come naturally".......lets hope so :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I most definately feel like this which is why i have posted so many questions in the "ask a mum" section! I also read lots of books and most of them contradict each other. Ive also not had any experience with babies atall (never even changed a nappy!)

Ive decided that theres no point in worrying about it and im hoping that even if it doesnt come naturally there is help out there somewhere.

I know how you feel though.. its scary! :hug:

Claire x
this is completely normal hun. this is my first baby aswell and the stupid things that go through my mind are unreal. Babies dont come with instruction manuals but i am told you will know what your baby wants its instinct. My mum lives over 100 miles away so i cant turn to her for help and none of my friends have had babies either so i'm going to wing it.

I would reccomend antenatal classes they taught me alot, also dont be affraid to ask anything on here the girls are lovely and they were in our position once so they know what were feeling.

Hope this helps

Em :hug: :hug:
FWIW I'm on baby 3, have worked with children of all ages for over 10 years, always babysat when I was in school and I'm STILL anxious as to how I'll be when the baby arrives. No matter what you read, what stories you are told, advice you are given or experience with OTHER babies you may have I'm afraid nothing can really prepare you fully.
I had 8 years between babies and it was like starting again, they are all different.
Motherhood is the single most life changing experience ever in my opinion and i often think that nothing has ever made me happier, more worried, more stressed, more tired, more grounded and more COMPLETE.

Good luck to everyone! :)
i worry about it a lot, i'm only 18 & have never really had friends who have had babies, i only held one for the first time about 3 months ago! i just hope that a lot of it will just 'come', mothers intuition or whatever. i know that a million other women with no experience have done it before me, so i'll be fine.
it is a bit over whelming though, it feels like there's a lot you have to do, like i'll constantly be changing nappies/feeding, and have no time to sleep every again! but i'm sure that's not true... right? lol.
charlotte_ said:
like i'll constantly be changing nappies/feeding, and have no time to sleep every again! but i'm sure that's not true... right? lol.


Hahaha :lol: You will be fine hun! You all will! Its so weird how it just comes to you! I had Joseph at 17 and yeh I had babysat etc for babies before that but apart from the general total disruption etc lol it just kinda feels like you were always doing it?! Its hard to explain but you will know what I mean soon enough! :wink:
Lea m is so right, it just kind of comes naturally. This will be my third child, i was 18 when i had my daughter and she was the 1st newborn baby id ever held but i just knew how to hold her and i felt confident caring for her straight away!

I think it's different when it's your own baby too, you just have an instant connection.... i still get nervous holding other peoples babies!

Im sure you will all be fine and make wonderful mummy's :hug:
Thanks ppl for the lovely replies nice to know I am not the only one feeling this way.

We have had a letter come through for two antenatal classes at the begining of December so looking forward to those and meeting some other mums to be - although hubby did ask if he had to go aswell :rotfl:
lisa-marie said:
Thanks ppl for the lovely replies nice to know I am not the only one feeling this way.

We have had a letter come through for two antenatal classes at the begining of December so looking forward to those and meeting some other mums to be - although hubby did ask if he had to go aswell :rotfl:

Just like my Hubby he somehow thought he was going to be the only bloke there as alot of the blokes he works with apparently told him they didnt go to theres, i still made him come with me though which i think he is glad he did now as he learned quite alot from it.

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