So much to learn!!!

did u also know that a newborns first poo is black??! It says it in the book the midwife gave me - something to do with the chemicals in the womb. Glad i read it cos i would have been seriously worried if i didnt know it was normal! x

yes it is black and it sticks like superglue lol

as for how many nappies i normally do as and when needed tbh

they change the rules that many times its like your a 1st time mum everytime plus not every baby is the same and im breast feeding this time so thats very new for me lol

I didn't know about the black either I thought it was green. Oh well me and baby will have matching poo haha - damn iron tablets!

It's annoying that they change guidelines all the time! X
Aw, im a good candidate to show that any one can do it................

im going to be brutally honest now, and it may sound iresponsible but i was a crazy party animal when i got cought with my first son,
id never held a baby/changed a bum/ didnt even really care about babys/ or want a baby at the time (i was 25), - then i got cought pregnant an i ignored it,
as much as i had a big belly i didnt get involved with my pregnancy you could say was in denial, didnt attend MW appointment or anti natal, and i missed out on so much joy an happiness from the start of makin my son, which now i deeply regret it

anyway 9 months later baby popped out?? shock to the system n life as i knew it gone,

i just remember this girl comin up to mi bed - she looked all of 18, i mean ive got bras older, and she wipped baby up n said right im going to teach u how to bath him now, within 10 mins i ad a sparkly clean dryed dress baby bk in his fish tank,
i just remember thinking ur special, what time is it?? you can come bk tomoz an do that shit again coz i cant do it!! anyway nextday come an i had to get him dressed ect an u just have to, if u dont no one else going to do it
anyway it did take me a good few weeks to get in to the swing of things and you just do and it becomes life

bottles - 4oz of boiled an cooled water in bottle first (so its correct amount of water), to 4 heaps of formular, lid on shake an serve haha

bum - just feel/smell and see haha, you will smell a whoopsie and if ya nappies spongy you will know to change it, different children pee more then others, so u just follow your instince / my son should of been a fish he drinks that much

wind - that was the killer for me, hated it 5 mins to feed em 1-2 hours for the burp to come/ b4 u could put him bk

tricks of traid i did but every ones diff, i made 2/3 bottles an night an put em in fridge, had bottle warmer at side of bed, baby would wake id pop down get bottle put it in warmer 3 mins later ready to go, as baby gets older you learn when they will wake so u start waking b4 em run to fridge get bottle all toastie ready for that stir you get there first haha

clothes did my ed in - winter baby were hard work - 15 layers later ready to walk out of door appointment in 15 mins running late, then you smell it, baby bk out of car seat on mat/ stripped down start again hahaa

now i have the best little mummys boy in the world, hes lovely gorgeous, a true blessing to me (still hard work at 2 ) but wouldnt be with out him, and when people say to you enjoy it there not babys two mins, an you think ''yer right'' coz your tired and you feels its never ending - night feeds ect its not and they are right so enjoy every single second xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aw, im a good candidate to show that any one can do it................

im going to be brutally honest now, and it may sound iresponsible but i was a crazy party animal when i got cought with my first son,
id never held a baby/changed a bum/ didnt even really care about babys/ or want a baby at the time (i was 25), - then i got cought pregnant an i ignored it,
as much as i had a big belly i didnt get involved with my pregnancy you could say was in denial, didnt attend MW appointment or anti natal, and i missed out on so much joy an happiness from the start of makin my son, which now i deeply regret it

anyway 9 months later baby popped out?? shock to the system n life as i knew it gone,

i just remember this girl comin up to mi bed - she looked all of 18, i mean ive got bras older, and she wipped baby up n said right im going to teach u how to bath him now, within 10 mins i ad a sparkly clean dryed dress baby bk in his fish tank,
i just remember thinking ur special, what time is it?? you can come bk tomoz an do that shit again coz i cant do it!! anyway nextday come an i had to get him dressed ect an u just have to, if u dont no one else going to do it
anyway it did take me a good few weeks to get in to the swing of things and you just do and it becomes life

bottles - 4oz of boiled an cooled water in bottle first (so its correct amount of water), to 4 heaps of formular, lid on shake an serve haha

bum - just feel/smell and see haha, you will smell a whoopsie and if ya nappies spongy you will know to change it, different children pee more then others, so u just follow your instince / my son should of been a fish he drinks that much

wind - that was the killer for me, hated it 5 mins to feed em 1-2 hours for the burp to come/ b4 u could put him bk

tricks of traid i did but every ones diff, i made 2/3 bottles an night an put em in fridge, had bottle warmer at side of bed, baby would wake id pop down get bottle put it in warmer 3 mins later ready to go, as baby gets older you learn when they will wake so u start waking b4 em run to fridge get bottle all toastie ready for that stir you get there first haha

clothes did my ed in - winter baby were hard work - 15 layers later ready to walk out of door appointment in 15 mins running late, then you smell it, baby bk out of car seat on mat/ stripped down start again hahaa

now i have the best little mummys boy in the world, hes lovely gorgeous, a true blessing to me (still hard work at 2 ) but wouldnt be with out him, and when people say to you enjoy it there not babys two mins, an you think ''yer right'' coz your tired and you feels its never ending - night feeds ect its not and they are right so enjoy every single second xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aww Nadine, thats lovely to read :) Thank you! Sounds like your little boy changed you for the better? and sounds like you love it! :)
Babies want to be clean, fed and cuddled, honestly that's about it! Oh and to sleep alot lol.
pinkymum, dont get me wrong no child comes with a hand book and at time they test you n are hard work

but would i change him or the fact i had him?? NEVER he changed me an made me a 100% better person, all the love he gives me in his own lil way, hes my angel an my blessing, x x
pinkymum, dont get me wrong no child comes with a hand book and at time they test you n are hard work

but would i change him or the fact i had him?? NEVER he changed me an made me a 100% better person, all the love he gives me in his own lil way, hes my angel an my blessing, x x

Awwww that's lovely Nadine!! xx
pinkymum, dont get me wrong no child comes with a hand book and at time they test you n are hard work

but would i change him or the fact i had him?? NEVER he changed me an made me a 100% better person, all the love he gives me in his own lil way, hes my angel an my blessing, x x

Aww I had tears in my eyes reading that :)

Nadine you made me cry lol (in a nice way!), bloody hormones!
I'm not guna lie my dd has been such an easy baby and I swear if baby number 2 is they same I'm bottling it and selling it on lol coz dd1 as regular for feeds poos sleeps everything I cm still count on two hands the amount of sleepless nights iv had and they went actually sleepless just slightly desturbrd. I changed her after every feed every four hrs for about 2 weeks then had to increase bottle size and she went 5hrs between feeds and it just kept increasing through Hr choice How long between feeds bit i would still change her every four hours unless of a poo situation. U just get used to the signs of when they need changing and stuff. We just got into a routine on day one and stuck to it routine really works. This time I don't really want people at the hospital until the babies been born coz I was in labour for like 2dsys so every one kept coming in to see me but when I got home all I wanted was visitors just because it helped me feel normal I can't stand being house bound and stuff

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