Doctors appointment


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Just wanted some advice. I found out earlier this week that I am 6 weeks pregnant. Everyone says straight away you should make a doctors appointment which I have but now I read online that doctors don't really want to see you until you are around 12 weeks as due to the high risk of miscarriage they think you are wasting their time. Should I cancel it?
Hi hun,

Firstly - Congrats :lol:

It works differently depending on your surgey but mine saw me at 5w 5d and referred me for my booking in appointment which I had at 8 weeks.

I say keep the appointment, your GP will tell you the next steps!

i had my first appointment today at 3 weeks 2 days just a wee routine appointment now have to wait till june for my booking in appointment so id say keep the appointment xxx
yer keep it sooner u get seen to the sooner can get ball rolling cos some places dont half drag there heels depending on the policy of ur surgery and congrats im 6 weeks tomoro xx
I wouldn't cancel, but it's up to you, as others have said before if you were to mc the doctor would have it on your records. Also your doctor may do a health check on you and check with you about your family history which could be important. Good luck with whatever you decide to do ,Take care xx
Definitely go - I saw my GP at 5 weeks and he got me into the system ready for scan and booking in at 12 weeks. Sooner you're in the system, the sooner they can fix up up with appointments.
You're not wasting anyone's time, i went to the doctor at 7 weeks and it was necessary in order to get into the system so i could have the booking appt with midwife (10 weeks) and ultrasound scan (12 weeks).


I would keep the appointmrnt then things can get moving for you getting booking appointments etc. I havent seen my GP since finding out I was pregnant I had a telephone conversation with her to confirm a few details etc and she put the referral in for my booking appointment then shortly after got scan date xx
Thanks all, I went for the appointment, didn't do much just advised on foods I should avoid but the midwife will ring me for the initial appointment
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