Midwife apps


Feb 1, 2010
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Hi im new to the preg forum and 8 weeks pregnant . This will be fourth pregnancy one miscarriage , two beautiful children and hopefully one on the way. I'm just having a moan about my doctors messing up my appointments turns out I wont have my booking in appointment till im twelve weeks which means I wont get a scan until after ?? Which I feel is to long to wait do you think I should change doctors ? Its hard enough waiting for the scan in the first place to wait even longer !!:)
have you spoken to your midwife or just the receptionist if the later speak to the midwife with your scan concerns even if your not booked in they might still get your scan appointment booked as well im under hosp not gp surgery so not sure on how it done but good luck
ive had my midwife app at 8wks and got my scan letter but i will still be over 13wks when i go for my scan. but my friend just lives down the road didnt have her midwife app till she was 12wks like you and she got her scan letter 2 go in 3days later so i think they mite rush it through if you are late 2 see the midwife like i said i seen her early and still got a late scan date so it mite work out ok
I phoned to make an appointment earlier but the midwife were out and spoke to the receptionist. All she said is she'll take down my name and address and get the midwife to call me. She said that my booking in app will probably around 10 to 11 weeks and scan about 13 weeks... She also said that if I haven't heard anything off them by 11 weeks to contact them! I mean seriously I'm a bit peeved off with that, my last pregnancy I got seen by 8 weeks...I got ages to go yet :(
I spoke to my gp and told her I'd had missed mc and she arranged my mf appt. I'm beginning to realise how lucky I am as my mw came to my house to do the booking in apt! I think that especially given your past history it's unacceptable to have to wait so long to see mw! I would speak to doctor again for definate! Hope you get it sorted x
Hi Yodabo, weren't you an older mum like me? I am hoping to speak to midwfie at booking in about Nuchal scan to check for thicker neck to give a risk rating for things like downs etc , I am 36, 37 when baby born, so something I want to check, I hear this should be done between 11 and 13 weeks, to get the right result, they compare against others at same week dates, so if you are older and wanted this , might that be cutting it a bit fine? I might be wrong as I have not asked for one before
Hi guys The midwife phoned and said its pretty normal to get seen around that time . But still doesnt put my mind at rest . I had pre Ecampsia with first pregnancy and was induced with second as well so just wanted some reassurance but looks like i will have to wait unless they have a cancellation . x
Aw big hugs hon! Fingers crossed someone cancels!
Well I don't know if 32 is classed as an older mum? Will see what she says when I see her. As it happens my pregnancy brain has hit again and realised tonight that I have give them a wrong mobile number... It seems that I have given them half my number and half my fathers..thicko! So I'll have to phone them again in the morning so hopefully the midwife will be available to book an appointment for me. I'd like to have it a bit earlier as well as I've had a miscarriage before my youngest and then he was born 4 weeks early...he was 6lb 11oz though!

So fingers crossed for the morning!
I'm only 5ft as well! My youngest was 5lb 13oz at 39 weeks, don't think my body can carry big babys to be honest, that's why my youngest was early....they reckon e wouldve been been about a 9lber if born full term...maybe not that bi for
some for tis for me!

Well I phoned them up again with the right numbe and I
still didn't speak to a midwife...looks like I'm gonna have to to wait around for the call..they are crap!

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