Doctors and Dates.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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I don't think my doctor has got the dates right. According to him I would be 7 weeks from my last period but I think I'm more likely 5 weeks by the date I tried to get preggers.
The only way you'll know is by your scan hunni

I was convinced id be put back today because i was measured at 13 weeks from the first day of my last period and i was thinking obviously i didnt get caught then!! But today ive been put forward 4 days! xx
I know that I only did it once to succeed so it must be 5 weeks as I'm regular and think I ovulated at the same time.
Well in that case ignore the gp lol xxx
but thats why he probably said I'm due april 2012 as march would mean I was as far along as first thought.
but thats why he probably said I'm due april 2012 as march would mean I was as far along as first thought.
Apparently all dates are calculated from the first day of your last period, so basically everyone gets a couple of 'bonus' weeks where they aren't actually pregnant but just trying. My cycle was always very regular and I think I can pinpoint my conception down to a 3 day window, but apparently I'm 6 weeks as it is all calculated from that last period. I'm not moaning though - bring on the scan as soon as possible!!
at least with the doctors thinking I'm 7 weeks I'm going to get my scan a little bit earlier.
Have you been calculating from your conception date or the first day of your last period? As hellywelly said, they measure from the first day of your last period, so you actually get two weeks free :)
I know exactly when conception occurred as I ovulated the same time and got lucky straight away basically. The doctor was trying to calculate me at the date of my last period, it's only two weeks out but development wise its very different size wise.
Yep, that is how it works. They calculate from the first day of your last period because most women don't know exactly when conception happened. So I guess you should be 7 weeks :)
I guess you can count 40 weeks from the first day of your last period, or 38 weeks from conception... Xx
16th July - 16th August 2011 means I'm exactly 4 weeks - a month. Better change my ticker.
Ho Hun your ticker will run from your last af as this Is how pregnancy is calculated. :) x
But I know I'm only 4 weeks so not going to make myself bigger than i am.
but they give you 40 weeks as term, if your calculating from conception it will only need 38 weeks to be term, we all know the extra 2 weeks is freebies, every medical professional uses that format.
but it doesn't mean it is as big as a 7 weeks developing baby.
i dont think it goes on the baby so rather than the baby been 7wk it kinda means the pregnancy is 7wks along if you get me! as the other ladies said all health professionals calculate from the 1st day of your last period, its just an easier method of working out due dates rather than trying to pinpoint the time of conception as some people wont have a clue (like me :D lol) xx
Everyone is it the same boat I'm 8wks 4 days but properly only conceived 6wks 4 days ago everyone gets 2 wks added on and when you go for you 12wk scan you will be around 12wks they won't put you back 2 wks
Thats what the girls are all trying to explain, everyone has 2 weeks added on even if they know the date they concieved, doesnt make sense to me either but as said it gives the doc a better idea as we ovulate approx 14 days after the first day of our period, even if u know the date u concieved they add these 2 extra weeks on hun, it doesnt mean your saying your more pg than you are as we are all the same, it will get confusing for u when it comes to mile stones like scans etc, on average the first scan is at 12 weeks (or as you would say 10) and second at 20 (or as u say 18) hope this makes sense, the same applies to every pregnant woman out there, these 2 weeks are added on regardless but your right we arent even pregnant then! So in effect I am 9 weeks pg but only concieved 7 weeks ago! Its just the way the docs work it, u may find at your first scan your date is more or even less but docs and midwives all work the same so guess we just follow suit to save the confusion!

Have always wondered tho if the scan can give an accurate age by the size of the baby then why do we need these extra 2 weeks but I wont even go there!!!

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