Docs and midwives...


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2009
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I went to see my GP on Monday. I was really excited and although I know she must see lots of ladies who've just found out that they're pregnant, I was really disappointed with the whole experience. She couldn't have been more flat and uninterested.:roll: I told her a lot more than she told me - dates etc. She didn't check anything I said or ask me any questions about symptoms I've had. She just filled out a form which refers me to a midwife. I now don't know how long I have to wait to hear from the mw, or how she'll contact me or what happens then. I've read on here about people going to docs and mw ringing them the next day, and people being offered reassurance and early scans etc from the gps.

I'm sure it's different in every area and with each different gp, but I'm just wondering what to expect and when I should here from someone. I know it's all really early but would like someone professional to have a look at me, ask me some questions and confirm that I'm not imagining all this!:mad: This forum has taught me all I know about it!!! haha:oooo:
Sounds pretty normal to me. They dont get involved in your care so they wont bother asking things that the MW will ask as your carer. Be prepared for the MW to be equally as nonplussed! Early scans being offered tends to be if someone is known to their GP because they have had problems in the past - MCs etc. Most early/reassurance scans that people get who have no relevant history will probably private.

It's bobbins but it is something I'd certainly heard many times before. Come on here and we will get excited for you!! :D
i totally know how you feel. all the doctors (well most) just look at it as a science and dont even acknowledge the emotial or exciting side of it!

even with my miscarriage it was all very black and white.

i bet in america its much nicer :) can imagine they are all much more personable
They have to be in the US - it's big business and you can take your business where you like!! :lol:
Even so I wouldnt want to be in the US system to give birth. The have an incredibly high c section rate and they use lots of intervention in comparison to the UK.
Yeah - this forum's been brilliant - thank you!!!

It's not just about them getting excited, it would just be nice to have someone look at me as a person and tell me it's all ok and progressing normally. I couldn't believe that she didn't ask me a single question - I don't know what all this is supposed to feel like, or what I'm supposed to be doing to look after myself! The only thing she told me was to take folic acid and I've been doing that for three months!!!
I told doctor last week when visiting for ear ache:oooo:, she wasn't even my doctor. She did however check my blood pressure, weight and ask me LMP questions, she also ran through the do and don't at home and work. I thought this very helpful :)and remember it being much more than my own doctor doing before. She told me she would inform the midwives and they would call in 2-3 weeks. We have similar dates icklepawn so I should imagine we will have our booking in about the same time - it is usually at 10 weeks. I hope to follow yr progress gd luck :dance:

JO :dance:
Sometimes a caring smile does the trick, I think a lot of healthcare professionals have lost their reasons for being in the job- thats my experience of several midwives that I had contact with during my time in hospital post-delivery. My time spent was so bad I wrote to my local MP and the Chief Exec of the Hospital Trust. I wouldnt have wished my care on my worst enemy. Saying that there were some lovely MW's and an outstanding HCA :)
it is pants how services differ so widely when there are national guidlines, I go to my surgery to see my MW, but my sisters MW went out to her to do her initial booking stuff, here we don't get all the bumph until u go for ur dating scan and my sister got the lot at 7 weeks. Saying tht my MW's do seem lovely (apart from 1 dragon whom I'm hping I don'thave to deal with) butthe reputation for our antenatal care isn't particularly good.... swings and roundabouts...
Ur GP's receptionist may be able to tell u when u are likely to see/hear from ur MW, I think I only got a call today cos of my recent mc, to reassure me and make sure I had numbers and stuff...
Sometimes a caring smile does the trick, I think a lot of healthcare professionals have lost their reasons for being in the job- thats my experience of several midwives that I had contact with during my time in hospital post-delivery. My time spent was so bad I wrote to my local MP and the Chief Exec of the Hospital Trust. I wouldnt have wished my care on my worst enemy. Saying that there were some lovely MW's and an outstanding HCA :)

My friend who just gave birth said exactly the same. and def agree with you about forgetting why they are in that job - and a smile! :)
Yep, it wouldn't have taken much to smile and say congratulations! I'd also just like to know what to expect next and when it's likely to happen. I might ring the surgery tomorrow and ask when I'll hear something. I don't know whether I go to my local surgery or to the hospital to see the midwife - can ask that too! Thanks for all your comments, they've cheered me up. Just think I'm in a bit of a grumpy mood tonight!!!
You should be able to get your local midwifery office number in an online search or through the doctors. Contact them directly - probably the best way to get the answers you want
My sister in law warned me that the first GP experience would be a big anti-climax, guess I'll find out tomorrow!
sorry bout the horrid experience. but yeah mw appointment is between 10-11 weeks. then scan later on. congrats by the way :)
Don't let a misery-guts who has had enough of their job for the wrong reasons (bureaucracy is part of the problem but still...come on, MWs, get with the program!) get you down, lovely.

I have such LOW expectations of GPs etc. these days that it's actually a miracle and a :yay: if I ever come across someone who's in the least bit sympathetic etc. As the others have said, come on here and we can :yay: :dust: for you :)

Good luck with the pregnancy and keep smiling ;)
I had my first GP appointment this morning and was actually pleasantly surprised! I was even considering changing my GP based on previous experience (not preg related) but was very happy to find that he was taking an interest and even said congratulations.

That's the good news, bad news is my blood pressure was high so I have to see the Consultant Obstetrician for further advice on meds - GP didn't really know what to prescribe so he is 'seeking advice' first. Ho hum!

Oh, and I have to wait until 5th Jan for my first midwife appt!
At least you've got an appointment with a midwife - I've still not heard anything! :(
still? That's a long time to wait, I would be feeling exactly the same. Did you fill out a referral to the midwives at your GP appointment? I'd ring them and say you're anxious to be checked. Good luck! x
It really does vary around the country, my SIL lives 5 mile away and her MW went out to her house to do the booking appointment. I had to sit in my GP surgery with everyone coughing and spluttering on me. My midwife howver was lovely while SIL's has like the wicked witch

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