When did you first go to docs?

english rose

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2011
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Hi ladies!

I'm full of questions since my BFP yesterday - this forum is a Godsend!!! So many questions, but only hubby and I know we're expecting!!!

So.....I was wondering how long you waited until you went to docs to confirm pregnancy?

Did you have an appointment with GP or practice nurse, or did they just book you in with Midwife?

I'm wondering whether to wait until 8 weeks ish to see doc, but don't want to delay Booking appointmentt or scan....

Also, will you be exactly 12 weeks at scan? (anyone earlier than 12 weeks or considerably more?)

Thanks ladies!!!
I went to to dr's as soon as I got my bfp. They then gave me the mw details and I got my first appt with her at 10 weeks. The hospital sent me an appt for my 12 week scan, turned out I was actually 13 weeks when they measured baby! Every NHS area is different tho, so some of the girls on here will give you different stories.

Hope that helps x
hello hunny, i went straight to the gp and he sent off to get me booked up with the hospital. i had my antenatal appt at 11 weeks and my scan will be at 12 weeks.

there are some ladies on here who have scans a little before 12 weeks and some a little after xx
I went to the docs a few days after and she didn't really do anything but told me to arrange a booking in appointment with mw at reception for when I'm 8 weeks. Appointment is on Monday :)

I had to wait for an appointment so didnt see the doc till I was nearly 6 weeks, now stressing as my area are really slow and said that they wont even look at the refferals for 14 days so will be 8 weeks before they even book anything in. Hubbie said he would pay for a scan for us if they muck us about so we have something to get excited about before they sort out our 12 week scan!!

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