Do you worry about the food you crave? Or or eating?

I really want pate and a Brie n bacon toastie with cranberry sauce an the thing I'm DESPERATELY craving is beer!?!? I don't even like beer!? Might have to get some alcohol free stuff in!

How about a Guiness toni? Apparently it's more beneficial than harmful
Oooooh, will ask MW on Thursday then might have a bit!
I am craving Subway.. I want them all the time, even after a footlong! lol x
oh guiness is not nice lol its good if your low on iron x
I think white fish is ok, it's just oily fish like tuna and swordfish that you need to limit because of mercury. I am really missing a runny fried or boiled egg. In fact I only eat eggs if they're scrambled now cos I don't mind them well done but I couldn't eat a hard fried, poached or boiled egg. Kinda sick of scrambled eggs now. I went out for dinner with family last week and everyone was having a glass of champagne, I was so jealous and I had to toast with sparkling water. I did have a few sips of my mum's champers though. Her view of it is quite old fashioned - she thinks I'm being over cautious not drinking at all. She even smoked through her pregnancies. Anyway then it got to ordering food and all the nice stuff that I would usually eat I couldn't have (pate, mussels, etc) but I was naughty and ordered a goats cheese salad for starter.
did you know eating salmon during pregnancy is good for babies brain and has even been linked to intelligence?

My OH read this in one of my pregnancy books and so bought in loads of fresh salmon and i coudnt even eat it - its such a fishy fish lol the smell of it made me heave! x
what about smoked salmon? is that OK? I've been eating runny eggs all the time! I think it's only b/c there is a risk of getting salomnella from them, but really, if you buy good quality free range ones, the chances of getting sick are very low....

I've been craving sushi...yummy...
I have been craving mash potato and onion gravy.. mm. Ice cream and eating a lot of clementines.. I am obsessed with Mash though.. having it most nights.. x
I've eaten a whole bowl of clementines today! Oops, I just didnt notice i was doing it. So if the baby is orange we know why.
ooooo i really want some thickly spread pate on warm toast!!! .... i love smokey bacon crisps at the moment, and pepperoni pizza.... not sure what to have for dinner tonight... my taste buds are all out of sorts!
Hooooo im terrible,

im craving stilton mushrooms but ive stayed away hehehe,

i eat pickles, fryed egg on toast, prawn mayo butties, pepperoni pizza, i do av the odd glass of wine but only one if out for a meal or family doo, i av steak when i go out medium done, i eat things with nuts in or peanut butter, i eat choc mouse

coz i constantly crave toffees and sweet im tryin to eat fruit and i do wash it but things like grapes ect i dont.

i dont like pate or fishy fish, so thats no problem,

and i drink sooooooooooo much tea i drink decaf now,

i think its just a list to watch out for and like some people can live on things and have far to much of some thing,
also the list is constantly changing from year to year when i was pregnant first time you could eat nuts and a glass of red wine was suposed to good for baby, now you cant have nuts and all alcohol is sosososo bad

i try to stick to the list of what to avoid but if i do slip up now an then i dont go in a panic
I was told by the midwife that peanut butter is probably best not to eat, but a lot of the books say that it's ok. I guess no one really knows and that's why there are so many restrictions.... better to be safe than sorry? Although did eat those peanut butter cups today before i realised! x
I adore seafood so I am probably going to miss that a lot. Love my dippy egg with soldiers, too! *boo hoo*
Oh, and not to mention caffeine and alcohol! Sounds awful but I love my wine, so will miss that. Trying to cut down on coffee is difficult!
Am I going to get lynched if i say i had a glass of wine last night?

My SIL told me that her midwife (in france) told her to have a glass of red wine every day!
I want to have cravings !!! I'm 12 weeks and a half now and for the last few weeks I've been dreading the idea of eating any kind of food .I had only one craving so far and it was for a Big MAC but I'm back sucking on my crackers now :((( When I find my appetite again I'll eat all sort of naughty things,I miss my food so much !
I keep craving McDonalds cheeseburgers like noones business!
Went out for one today and it took me an hour because of Christmas traffic! Am off everything I normally like, toast, cereal, crisps etc and it's like I forget to eat then have this almighty hunger but don't know what I want to eat. Hoping it passes soon as it is making me feel quite queasy :-(

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