have you followed food rules?

The only thing i've craved is peanut butter but i've resisted so far! I want to wait until i'm past 12 weeks and I know everythings ok with Bubba and then I might have to odd slice of peanut butter on toast!

Christmas is going to be really hard for me becuase me & my Brother in Law usually fight over the biggest slice of lemon roulade and i'm banned this year because of the meringue! :(

never mind small price to pay I reckon! :)


You can eat meringue providing it's been cooked all the way through. It's only if the eggs are still raw (freshly made mayonnaise) & runny eggs, due to the salmonella risk. If you want some lemon roulade at Christmas - go for it xxx

It's only the very outside of the meringue thats cooked (crunchy), the middle meringue is foamy and soft so i'm guessing raw?!

i think i'll leave it just to be on the safe side, it'll only be for 1 Christmas after all! :)

hi girls gatecrashing from tri 3, in my first pregnancy I never found out I was pregnant til 5 month so I was eating and drinking all the bad stuff and had a fab pregnancy labour and healthy baby

have stuck to all the "not allowed" rules this pregnancy and have had problems from day one and having to have a section on 2 weeks as the baby is growing

Me personally think that its all to much stress to add to an already stresssed pregnant person lol xx
I've been following the rules pretty strictly, but then there haven't been too many foods that I would normally eat on that list. I do love bleu cheese, and I'm already having withdrawals from the egg nog to come at Thanksgiving & Christmas, but I figure it is only for a short time. :) If anything were to happen and I HAD been eating banned foods, I would feel awful. Oh sure, there would be no way to prove what actually caused it...but guilt doesn't care about silly details like that.

Not trying to be a complete ass, but I don't think it's very responsible to tell people that they can eat whatever they want and the babies will be perfectly fine. Sure, my own opinion is that the risk with certain foods is pretty slim, but the risk is still there and they are cautioned against for a reason. For those who had been drinking/smoking/eating whatever, I would consider yourselves the exception, definitely not the standard.
I was sticking to it strictly til I was 6 month and my pregnancy turned out to be the worst pregnancy ever, in my eyes was told that the baby wasnt growing and could have a severe chromosome abnormality and die in the womb or shortly after birth but after having the amnio that was ruled out and it is a placenta problem I now eat what I want have fry up with runny eggs and med to rare steaks in the restaurants and anything else that takes my fancy and since I have been eating what i want the baby has started to grow so they said that maybe I wasnt having enough nutrients but they still say it is to do with the placenta

40 weeks is along time lol specially if you are craving a food you used to eat x
I apologize if my post came off harsh, it really wasn't directed at anyone in particular, just the general idea of doing whatever and all will be fine. :(

But with that said, I'm glad to hear things have turned around so well for you and your little girl! I know I'm still early, and as of now foods are making me more sick than anything else...I guess we'll see how well I fare with cravings once I'm further along.:lol:
i agree with you tipper, i think the rules on food can be ott but we only have ourselves to blame if we gorge on things that we shouldnt and something happens as a result... it may be a very slim risk but its still a risk x
So as it turns out....I guess you CAN drink eggnog! Most of the store-bought nog is pasturized which would make it alright to drink while pregnant. Just gotta avoid the homemade/boozed up varieties!
I eat runny eggs all the time, drink as much tea and coffee as I like, eat peanuts, had some goats cheesethe other day, and I'm ok! They are guidelines anyway, I don't see why you shooing enjoy normal stuff-people didn't know this in the Victorian days or anything and they all had healthy babies.
One thing I have managed is to quit smoking - OH's mum used to be a midwife and she said when she delivered a smokers baby the placenta was always discoloured and their umbilical chord used to snap really easily and be really weak, when a non smokers used to be really pink and strong. So I'd be more worried about that then what I eat! X

I'm with you on that. I drink at least 7-8 cups of tea a day, eat peanuts and can't get enough of Brie and camembert cheese :P
Yup Ive stuck to all the food no no's!

After MC in March I wasnt willing to even take the slightest risk and possible have something go wrong and although I know a lot of the possibilities are probably slim...they are there for a reason so me being me Ive been very sensible and not ate anything on the dont eat lists!

Needless to say I cant wait for NUT...all kinds lol and dippy eggs xx
Ive stuck to all the food rules too, since i found out at just over 5 weeks anyway. I would really love a runny egg but i just cant bring myself to do it! OH is taking it really seriously too, he studies labels on fruit juice and is like 'Heid why don't u have this one its got folic acid in' haha. xxx
My midwife told me I can have goats cheese as well as long as it's pasturised, i still haven't though...I ate loads of veg pate before I found out & I had flu too the wk before I found out so was having loads of Beechams drinks which have ibuprofen & paracetamol in :( I had brie at a party too that week but it was cooked. I went out for a drink, took one sip of my vodka & coke & immedietly wanted to vomit! I did all these things before I found out but it still made me worry :( I've stuck to it since tho x

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