Do you test each month with hpt ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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First monht trying again, and im already excited, past my ovulaton now and afk due 13th january and I am worried i might want to test early with hpts, even though its waste of money etc. Do you do home pregnancy test each months or just when period is late ?? :roll:
I did one this morning which was massively early as I'm not due for af for another 7 days. The only reason I did it is because I've had lots of symptoms for the last couple of days and thought my dates might be out. BFN and a waste of money, that'll teach me. It is tempting when you've got some calling from the drawer :) xxxx
Yes I understand its tempting... last time I tested to early and got a positive test and 100 negative ones, and it turned out to be chemical pregnancy, so trying to not test too early this time too , not easy though! Just past my ovulation and ive got sore breast already and I knooow its my mind tricking me :) xx
I'm trying very very hard to wait until next week now, maybe I shouldn't buy any until it's time to test? xxxx
I always test with HPT's too early, every month. just cant help it :)
It's like ripping the corners off the wrapping paper to peep at your presents before Christmas! xxx
Do anyone where I can buy really cheap hpt testes? As I remember ASDA sell somes for 2 pound or so for 4 hpts?
Try eBay or amazon, they are mega cheap & you can get the same with OPKs as well

I get mine from ebay or amazon, you can get about 10 for £5
really proud of myself now that I always wait till day AF's due

And haven't had the chance yet as she's been prompt or slightly early EVERY TIME

still, haven't seen that horrible BFN either...
When i was pregnant with Adam i tested when i was 3 days late and when i was pregnant with my angel i tested the day before af was due but got a bfn then a week later i tested again and got my bfp so im hoping this time around i can resist testing till af is due atleast but we will see! x x

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i am due to af around 13 january too! and only 1dpo today, i do usually do one test about 3 or 4 days before af is due, always been bfn but i figure at that point it would show up as i usually by a first response. this month i am going to probably test on 12 jan. i'm not a poas addict but i find the best way to avoid it is by having none in the house, if they are there i will usually pee on them.

ps. i have really sore boobs too and i'm only 1dpo - i think its ovulation pains?! xx
Positivity, same day as me then :) Yes I just notice today, my friend just told me she is pregnant and I dont know if its just part of me who really wants to have sore boobs and tricking it, maybe will test 12th too.. Fingers crossed xx
I try not to keep any in the house too or they would all be gone in one day! I normally wait till my af is late, give it a couple of weeks then go buy a test, but thats only cause my af has started going wild or id test after being just a day late lol! x
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