Is forgetfulness a symptom?

It's ok for some :shakehead: I spent last night watching a Christmas film whilst others had their hubbies right behind them bding :rotfl:

thanks :D
lol well it was 3 in the mornin so i was watchin tv last night to no xmas film tho lol
Libs dont give up hope yet - on FF there are lots of charts of late BFP's!! Every day late is good news x x x :pray:
Forgetfullness is a symptom libs! .... of old age :moon:

that's for sending me pics of illegal beverages :shakehead: :lol:
It will happen love :hug: In wana shoot the p[erson who made that up, the nobs :x it really will though chick for all of us :hug:
Thanks all of you - ROM I always forget that it takes some time for some people - we're so used to seeing bfps at 10dpo on here - you forget that - so thanks :hug:

MM- you're just jealous - don't worry I had to pay for my 3 drinks by dancing on an empty dancefloor with my niece :roll: to Leona Lewis of all things :oops:

and LL - I think the same person made that phrase up as the one who said - forget about it - when you relax it'll happen :roll:
Libs :hug: :pray: everything crossed it is your month. Stay away AF!!
:pray: ing it's your month :D It ain't over til the fat.. er.. AF sings or something like that ;)

Hope it just been too early to test :)
:rotfl: I've gone to use that phrase a 100 times and couldn't get it right :rotfl:

perhaps we should rename AF the fat lady :think:
so not that I'm symptom spotting or anything :angel:

but - my teeth have been on edge for the last 2 days as well - anyone who has migraines you'll know what I mean - but its definately not a migraine :think:
I honestly don't know :? I think I'll be good and say next weekend :rotfl:

really.....I have no idea

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