Do you "feel" pregnant yet?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Hi all,

I am just over 6 weeks pregnant and I dont "feel pregnant" yet, I have sore boobs, occasional queasy feeling, tired at times and increased CM but I have to say, I expected to feel worse and it is making me paranoid...

Just wondering about your experiences? when did you get full on symptoms? or didnt you ever get them etc?

I think I am just in need of reassurance, I wish I had a fast forward button xx
9 weeks on Thursday and have even seen the little belly bean but nope still not feeling pregnant.

I definately feel very run down and I am very tired. Sore boobs come and go and I do get very occasional nausea!!

Some women have no symptoms at all though so try not to worry.

Did you book your early scan?

9 weeks on Thursday and have even seen the little belly bean but nope still not feeling pregnant.

I definately feel very run down and I am very tired. Sore boobs come and go and I do get very occasional nausea!!

Some women have no symptoms at all though so try not to worry.

Did you book your early scan?


I feel nervous to book a scan, I need to get a grip and stay away from is my enemy!! I am going to book one though as I need to know either way for my sanity!
I remember feeling very light headed with my son and very queasy (never got actual sickness tho) but I cant remember when they started as was over 10 years ago...xx
I've had sore boobs, I've been running for a wee every 5 minutes, few tummy pains, still (touch wood) getting away with not feeling sick, but my blood pressure has got even lower than normal and I've been exceptionally woozy for about a week now. There have been times I've felt so bad I've not managed to move off of the sofa.

I would say that I feel woozy rather than pregnant!!!
Nope, getting most of the symptoms but don't feel pregnant, infact I feel a bit underwhelmed most of the time & like a fraud. But I do get times where I think "omg there's going to be another stocking up this year" or when I daydream about having a big(ger) belly for summer. Hoping our scan will make everything seem real x
Nope, getting most of the symptoms but don't feel pregnant, infact I feel a bit underwhelmed most of the time & like a fraud. But I do get times where I think "omg there's going to be another stocking up this year" or when I daydream about having a big(ger) belly for summer. Hoping our scan will make everything seem real x

Thanks, I hope so too, I think I have a block on letting myself believe its happening or that all will be ok after my MC :( all i can do is wait xx
I still don't have symptoms and I am 9 weeks this week. I get slightly sore boobs sometimes in the evenings but that's all. I have another early scan tomorrow this will be my 4th scan! So fingers crossed all is good and we are just lucky! :)

Hey lisey27!

I feel EXACTLY the same! Those are all the symptoms I have as well! All we can do is wait!xx

Nope, still don't feel pregnant, and won't til I have a proper bump x
Hey Lisey. I felt like you when I was just over 6 weeks. My symptoms really kicked in with a vengeance at about 6+4. Suddenly I was always exhausted, and mild nausea suddenly went not-so-mild. Hang in there - your symptoms sound great :D
Hey Lisey. I felt like you when I was just over 6 weeks. My symptoms really kicked in with a vengeance at about 6+4. Suddenly I was always exhausted, and mild nausea suddenly went not-so-mild. Hang in there - your symptoms sound great :D

Thanks, that so reassuring xxx :)
Hi Lisey

This pregnancy has been a strange one for me due to the absence of symptoms! What I've had & when:
4 weeks - need to visit loo multiple time during the night (still ongoing!), and increased CM
7 & half weeks - feeling/looking bloated
8 weeks - morning sickness arriving in the afternoon around the same time every day! (4-7pm, brought on by me walking around)

I keep wondering when I'm going to get big/sore breasts - feel like I'm being cheated here!! ;)

I don't think I'll allow myself to "feel" pregnant until I've seen a healthy scan at 12 weeks!

Hi Lisey

This pregnancy has been a strange one for me due to the absence of symptoms! What I've had & when:
4 weeks - need to visit loo multiple time during the night (still ongoing!), and increased CM
7 & half weeks - feeling/looking bloated
8 weeks - morning sickness arriving in the afternoon around the same time every day! (4-7pm, brought on by me walking around)

I keep wondering when I'm going to get big/sore breasts - feel like I'm being cheated here!! ;)

I don't think I'll allow myself to "feel" pregnant until I've seen a healthy scan at 12 weeks!


Thanks for this, it really helps to know I am not the only one expecting more symptoms at this stage...My doctor said morning sickness doesnt usually start til 8 weeks so you are spot on xx
With my first i had no symptoms at all now looking back i was soo lucky she is now 4 this month this time round i have every symptom going from bad sickness to sore boobs been very ill with this pregnancy but still dont feel pregnant and i have a small bump aswell hoping i will finally feel pregnant after we find out the sex next week xx
Honestly, I look back with so much fondness at weeks 5-6 of my pregnancy. All I wanted at the time was to have more symptoms. Didn't know how lucky I was... now I can't wait to be rid of them!! (though obviously if they all disappeared overnight I'd then be complaining they'd gone!!) :wall2:
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Hi again Lisey!
I'm 6 weeks 5 days today. I have a funny feeling symptoms will kick in when I visit my in-laws this weekend!! Hahaha! Hope not!xx :)
I'm worried I don't have enough symptoms! I'm six weeks tomorrow. Not really felt sick, had sore boobs and bloating but that's it. I think if I was sick I would feel that something is happening! I also keep thinking that my sister was sick from 4 weeks , I know every pregnancy is different but can't help thinking it!! Longing for the 12 week scan and hopefully can relax a bit knowing little one is happy

Although Ive had two scans and see minion in there I still dont feel pregnant - nausea has gone and I have far more energy. Just wish my bump would hurry up and grow then I would feel proper pregnant xx

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