Disrespectful husband.

Honestly hun, don't worry about it. I'm over it :) I'm 4 days over and back to the hospital for another growth scan. Hate all this unknown, I don't know if they'll let me go til next week or want to induce this week. This to-ig and fro-ing constantly is drivng me round the bend. Get as many naps in as you can, they're glorious things!

Not gonna lie I am scared as hell, scared I won't be able to do it what the cramps could mean what if I did something wrong....but honestly I know I shouldn't worry so much but it's like this never ending loop of omfg what's that? I know I'm being daft half the time but I do appreciate your help and advice and I hope I can help too even if my knowledge isn't brilliant. Xxx
Aww kumber that's a bit crap, I hate the unknown myself hence freaked out haha. I just hope you go naturally and baby appears for you soon. I've not had a growth scan but my friend back home had to be induced and she said it wasn't too bad and the midwife really helped in a lot of ways, do they use a pessary (however spelt) and angel thing to help you along? I've been googling things before posting lately and I seriously regret it! Do not Google. I do hope baby is here for you soon though xxx
I don't care about bitchyness either but if that's how people feel please don't comment as my reply will not be nice either. I am blunt most times a spade is a spade etc I'm not forcing anyone to look at what I post so if you don't like it then just ignore it. since we moved and I got pregnant I find it difficult to rely on someone I'm really independent I know I can't do an awful lot now with being so big and being in pain (fluid on knees) so even something I loved doing which was taking a nice long walk turns into an ordeal, I'm dealing with a lady who is an absolute cow to me because I am pregnant and she can't have children as far as I'm aware which isn't my fault I'm not a nasty person I am sensitive and honestly I just want my mum just for a cuddle we're closer than ever and I do get narky I know that. I hate that I've become such a nasty person because of hormones I adore my baby and my husband but at times for an intelligent man he's a thick git.

Sounds like me when I was pregnant.. I just couldn't move because I was projectile vomiting day in day out until the end, bombarded with migraines about 3 times a week.. I seriously thought after he's born I'll be able to sleep.. Hahaha.. Gosh was I wrong about that... My parents live abroad so it's even harder to see my mum than a 3,5 hour drive as it involves crossing the border and finding a way to get over the sea... The only way to do this quick and relatively cost effective is by plane.. So my mum hasn't been here for over 2 years and I've been back three times... I know that feel of how bad you suddenly want your own mam..

Anyway.. I'd suggest you get yourself to a spa or something similar where you can enjoy a warm pool, a massage and a nice sleep without dogs or OH's.. That way your OH will also get his xbox/man time and it's a winner for both.. I seriously regret not doing this as this desire to do this even became greater after baby was born.. And I seriously need a massage because 1,5 years of co-sleeping and having a toddler causes serious chronic neck and back pain!
Thank you JD, I think I may be doing that soon I need a few days of just chilling but close I get to due date I worry incase something happens and I'm away from the hubby but the nearest spa is actually on route to hospital haha so that could work out well xxx

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