Anyone's pets gone all protective?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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Was out walking my dog yesterday when this crazy labrador came bounding up to us wanting to play with her ball. Now my dog's a right wimp and dropped the ball and hid behind me so I picked it up quick in one of these dog thrower things so the lab couldn't get it and run off with it.

The lab starts jumping up at me, only wanting to play but it was still quite scary as it was snapping trying to get the ball and I was worried about it hitting my stomach. My dog was brilliant, as the lab jumped up she jumped out from behind me, bared her teeth and barked as if to say 'Back off my mum!'. She NEVER does that.

Then this lab's owner came walking across, shouting and swearing at her dog to get away from me (great technique!) and then advised me to 'mind my fingers' as the dog tried jumping again. I told her I'd rather not mind my fingers I'd rather she got her dog away from me, silly woman.

Took my heroine home and gave her lots of biscuits and cuddles as a reward.

Anyone else's pets been acting protectively (or more so) round them cos of pregnancy?
This time round my mums pets haven't cared less but i think thats cos i only see them 3 times a week! When i was pregnant with Lacey, my cat used to sleep on my bump and she was never a lap cat!! As soon as i had Lace, she went back to being shy and distant, then it was my dogs turn to be protective of Lacey.
One of our dogs is definitely more protective of me, she doesn't leave my side except to go out and play with the others, but even then I'm always in view, she doesn't go far. The others haven't really bothered, but the one who is always with me has had puppies of her own so maybe it's a maternal thing. Saying that though she's always been very close with me.

The cats on the other hand are a different story - the two females are nowhere near as fussy with me as they used to be, it's all about OH now! The male one on the other hand, is always around me whereas he never used to be that bothered with me. He crawls onto my lap (not as though he can fit without sliding off any more) whenever he can!
When I was living at my mums and was pregnant with my first, my dogs became attached to me. Head on bump and everything! X

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ah thats so sweet. My parents dog eyes me up suspiciously now. I used to be her favourite playmate, whenever I went round the second she saw it was my car she'd run off and find a toy and be waiting for me at the door quivering with excitement. She never did that for anyone else. Now she looks at me from across the room as if you say "you've changed, and Im not impressed!"
Our staff has got funny, he used to want to play with any dog that came up to us, if they go to him he is fine, if they look as though they are heading towards me they are chased off
It is so sweet, she has been a lot more cuddly with me lately - she is usually OH all the way but she keeps laying her head on my chest - reckon she can hear the hb or the baby moving round in there - she might be different when she gets kicked though!!
my friends staff sniffs my tum everytime i see her and when my friend was in due her baby the dog kept weeing round the house she then went into labour bizarre what they can sense my cats dont really care tho
My dog lays alot more with me now than before and she always used to lay with OH!! She's always been sneaky and ended up on my side of the bed at night but when were up she's now more with me!! Bless her!!! I hope shes still this nice when baby turns up!!
I dog couldn't give a shit! She's still a big fat clumsy oaf! She's constantly jumping up and onto me!
ah thats so sweet. My parents dog eyes me up suspiciously now. I used to be her favourite playmate, whenever I went round the second she saw it was my car she'd run off and find a toy and be waiting for me at the door quivering with excitement. She never did that for anyone else. Now she looks at me from across the room as if you say "you've changed, and Im not impressed!"

hahahah thats cracked me up.

me and my dog have always been ridiculously close and he adores me as its pretty much always been just the 2 of us and we have ben together 24/7 since he was 6 weeks old as i work with horses so he comes. he is 5 now.

since i found out im pregnant hes still just as loving and the night i found out he rested his head on my belly all evening like he knew!! sooo cute x
After replying to this my dog randomly came up and 'kissed' my stomach!!
Yes my dog was really close when I was pregnant with my first and is again this time, he has been really annoying in the past few days though as he will not leave my side, so much so that I dont know how I havent gone arse over head the way he creeps up behind me!! I have affectionatly re-named him 'Leech'!!!!
the other day when Marley was sleeping on my tummy, Noa keept kicking and she was bouncing a little bit on my tummy, Marley then looked at my tummy and made a angry sound, Noa won tho with a god kick in marleys head.
cant wait to he is here, as shes my princess now, i wonder if she will back of or try to compete for my attention. bless her.
oooh jellybean - has the dog picked up on some labour vibes? you've not long to go.
Bobkat, I keep trying not to get my hopes up, but my oh is convinvced thats why he is being such a 'leech', I just think he's a pathetic mommy's boy!!! We shall see.....:)
my dog doesnt care yet..

and had to ask.. who else read that as Heroin ? >.<
^^^ i did, right after i posted it, so glad i didn't produce a typo - that would have been dodgy looking.

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