I have had my first proper irrational blow out


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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We have a Yorkshire terrier called Rolo. He is 8 months old and so loving, happy and playful. We got him august and loved MOST of it. As my hours have been reduced at work due to blood pressure I am home every afternoon. Barney our 1 year old king Charles loves it but Rolo seems to have freaked out. He has had three wee's on our hall carpet this week which I was annoyed about but today I lost it. First I put them out for a wee, he just sat at the door so I let them in and he promptly came in jumped on sofa and had a wee up the cushion, the sofa is a few months old. I told him off and put him outside again, cried as I had just cleaned up and now was scrubbing the sofa. To top that off when I let him in he jumped up me and got poo on my leg I picked him up and he was covered underneath. I phoned my OH telling him I hated the dog and wouldn't cope with Rolo being like this and with a baby, u would think a rant would be enough......but totally over reacting I put him for sale on freeads. My OH bathed the dog and has been so nice but the dog just getting on my nerves tonight. What a way to react, thinking I should take his advert off the net, but still not liking him at min. Rant over nit even baby related lol
i can understand you feeling like that as hygiene is so important when you have a baby

my advice woud be, take the ad off try and spend the next few weeks training him only to do this outside, if he continues then maybe look at finding him another home

if he stops,expect it to start again when baby is here and having to re-train xx
We have a springer called rolo, naughty does not cover it!! Maybe it's in the name?
Lol yes maybe it is the name. He has been sooooo naughty. OH being referee lol
Ours grabs anything he can to chew up, I mean anything! I'm sure if we hung him upside down a number plate would fall out like in jaws lol. Maybe now You're home he wants your attention more? X
Lol nice image! He gets it all the time he is just acting up. I can't believe that I went so far, I kind of see the funny side to pregnancy hormones now lol x
Hi Hun I've got two labs and a Dane so trust me I have had many a blowout lol

You'll prob find that he's weeing because he's excited to see you when he wouldn't normally! Try not touching him or anything when they first come into the house or you cone home, this approach really helped our dogs as lady (rescue lab) would only need to be let in the house and she would pee!! It's pure excitement :) so take it as a compliment.

I'd take the ad down as you have done it in the heat of the moment, try training and keeping his bum hair short (he can't help that bit)

Hope you sort it x x
Awww hon it's understandable and I think the whole nesting urge makes everything like this worse. I'd take the ad down like the other women have said as it was done in the heat of the moment and try some of the tips on training.

Can't talk about dogs but we have a cat and a 9 month kitten. Our cat is fine but out little baby kitten has started to wee in places she shouldn't. I think because there's suddenly a lot of stuff in the house and preparations being made which are nothing to do with her. She's just looking for attention so as stressful as it can be we are trying to make a fuss if her and show her she's not being replaced which seems to be working.
Some animals are very sensitive to changes in hormones in humans and this may be the case here, particularly as he is coming to an age were his hormornes are also starting to kick in! He's still very much a puppy so this behaviour is totally 'normal'

One of my Siamese suddenly started peeing on a sofa a few weeks back for no decernable reason, so we've spent weeks retraining him! All my dogs (8 of them) have undergone a major retraining program these last few months just readjusting certain quirks and setting some new boundaries ready for the new arrival.

Use some of your spare time now to do a little training each day with him. It doesn't have to be boring sit/come/stay training, try teaching tricks like shake paws, twizzles, bows and begs. Training your dog tires their brain and brings your relationship back on an even keel. Yorkies are incredibly intelligent and very trainable.

Grab a book from the library or Amazon and get some ideas !!
I get where you are coming from. My mum has been training her dogs to live in the kitchen. They have a massive kitchen, and when someone comes in, and in the evenings they get put in there, its warm they have a bed each. But my in-laws who I live with refuse to train there dog, and he is a little, well I can't put it on here. I really don't like him.

I have told DH, I will not live there if the dog get's anywhere near our baby, they have no control over him, and I don't trust him one bit.
I watched something on TV where a dog whisperer talked to the dog and he said he was naughty because he didn't like his name so you never know! hehe

No advice but cats have their moments too I swear.
Well it seems I'm hormonal, OH bathed the dog last night and kept us apart. Then today someone phoned about the dog and I burst into tears because I can't stand the thought of someone else having him. OH was sweet and took ad down. Now I just want to cuddle the dog and feel guilty for advertising him lol hormones!!! X

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