I would second talking to him.
I mean, we as women really have a whole arson of complex emotions, all heightened by pregnancy hormones that realistically, the majority of men will find hard to comprehend.
They can be insensitive even without intentionally meaning it. My OH is wonderful to me but even sometimes I can get aggravated. However, communication has always resolved this. Pregnancy isn't all starry eyed beauty. It comes with its barbs.
I remember a specific occasion not so long ago when my OH was feeling ill. A storm had woke us up and while he got to go straight back to sleep, I was kept up for hours with a combination of his tossing and turning, snoring and foul farts. It wasn't his fault but I was so exhausted the next day that it only took one stinky fart wafting to me for me to break into tears.
Try asking him to take the dogs out to the park while you catch up on some z's. Just explain to him that you have had horrid broken sleep.
If after a completely all out honest appeal he still doesn't listen then I would agree he is being insensitive.
As for doing things for the baby, not all guys are on that level. I remember trying desperately to get mine interested at looking at baby clothes. Waste of time. Instead, I asked him to be in charge of buying the baby monitor and he got it done in his own time, and with incredible success actually, I was really surprised
Anyway, I hope all the waffling has helped. You're not the only one who cracks during pregnancy but I would just advise communication
X x