Dislike of midwife


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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So I had my first mw appointment this morning. I dont like my mw. She just seemed so disinterested.She asked me on 4 separate occasions whether I had had any mc's, she asked me about ten times whether my aspirin was prescribed or self prescribed and I cant have her as my mw. Can I just request a change of mw? She made what should have been an exciting day, miserable xx
Sorry to hear this hun,

Are you seeing her at the hospital or is she a community MW?

She was in my doctors surgery so guessing community midwife. With my LO I had one mw who I saw and came to me or I went in! It was nice! this was horrible - I dont want her!!!!!! xxxxx
Yes you can request a change. They usually work as a team in community x
Oh thank goodness!!!!! I couldn't bear for her to be my mw! xx
Awww no sorry to hear this. My midwife is my best friend so I'm kinda blessed here! X

Sorry that such a good day was turned into a horrid experience for you. As the others have said, you can request a change if that's want, you dont have to keep seeing someone that you have no rapport with. Hope the next one is nicer :)

I dont like my MW either :( I cried through my first appointment. x
I have had the same problem with my community MW so have moved to another and had my first appointment today. she was so helpful and was concerned about things that the other midwife wasn't and she was happy to chat over any worries big or small. which my first midwife could not be bothered with and was really rude to my husband.

I phoned the senior MW and she told me who to phone. Hope you can change and get the care you should have.
Hey hun, sorry to hear she was horrible. You could speak to your GP to start with and ask to change or you could try this website, they might be able to help you. http://www.pals.nhs.uk/

When I met my midwife for my booking in appt I didn't like her at all. I left feeling very deflated and like my appt was rushed through. She kept asking me the same question over and over again too.

I have a new MW now and she is lovely.

I've had two different midwives and a student so far :shock:

I'll also have a few appointments at my GP surgery most likely with the Dr that deals with pregnant women (whom I've never met)

Maybe I am too relaxed but it doesn't really bother me that I am seeing different people? They've all been nice so far?

Iv never really liked my midwife. She's not very chatty, doesn't seem interested at all, she's just doing her job. There's never any general chat. An at my 1st appt she wrote something down on a piece of paper, and slid it over to me and just looked at me, didn't say anything to me. I sat for a moment, and then said is that it, she said yes so I got up and left. No goodbyes or anything. Then when I looked at my piece of paper she had actually written down my next appt! She could of at least told me. She seems a very cold person.
But she's the only midwife at my surgery and I don't want to have to change doctors...
I'm dreading having to show her my foof if it comes to me needing a sweep.
My MW sucks too, she's only available on Fridays and she may pick up the phone if you're lucky most of the time her voicemailt ells you to call the maternity ward. She seems a bit detached as well when she actually seems me but god nothing as bad as asking me the same question 10 times.
My first encounter with my mw wasn't great. I felt like she spoke down to me and didn't listen. Then At the next appointment with the consultant she pitched up wanting to be my best friend. So I concluded maybe she was having a bad Sunday morning when she visited me at home. She has been fantastic so far so maybe your one will turn out good, maybe she's had a bad day too. No excuse cause I don't like how she's made u miserable....I'm just trying to see the good in everyone! Ha! Good luck what ever happens. Xx
Aw hun this isn't good! Know ur not far from me, are u covered by narberth midwives?? If not so far they are all lovely, u probably won't see the same one every time, so far I think I have seen them all! X
in my area they're all community midwifes, I think there are four all together two I saw during my last pregnancy and two who actually helped me deliver and it will be at least one of them who will help me deliver this time as I'm hoping for another home birth . There was one who I really took a dislike to last time but as it turned out after the birth she was great and really helpful to me and I've already seen her this pregnancy and her attitude towards me is very different now basically she said I could make my own decisions and that she wouldn't pester me . Where as one of the other midwifes last time was a totally the opposite a real stickler for the rules and a pester ( if I'm honest) drove me nuts towards the end of the pregnancy not seen her again yet this time , lol.
May be you caught her on a bad day they do work very hard and extremely long hours .Hope your able to sort something out . xx
you should be able to change midwives if you rirng and ask and explain your concerns x

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