difficult times


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2011
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after all that has been going on I went and had the abnormal cells removed from my cervix, hoping that they are now all gone and I will get the go ahead from the Dr when he gets the biopsy results that we can try again otherwise its 6 months before we can try again and thats only if the smear is ok. They have tried to do as little damage as possible but say it may put me at risk of prem labour if i do get pregnant. Just wish something for once could be straight forward.
Today I met up with a friend for the 1st time in months her little one is a few months old now, she had her a month after i had our son. It was lovely to see them and hold her little one but really hit home what could have been. cannot help but feel sad and disappointed at how life has turned out. xx
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aaaw hunny, i hope things turn around for you soon x
I know how that feeling hits when you hold someone elses baby that would of been around the same age as the one you lost.
And It must be so much harder for you as you really really lost yours, after giving birth- must of really really hit hard.

Thoughts go out to you in this tough time.

Hope everything goes ok with the abnormal cells and all clears up really quickly. xxxxx
Thanks Corrinne37 it has been hard and we are surviving but then there are days when it really knocks me for six on top of everything else i needed abnormal cells like i needed a hole in the head but i suppose that at least it is being dealt with.- trying to be optimistic- no very good at it yet tho!!!!!! thanks xxx
Oh sending you a big hug, youv'e had a right tough time - i'm rooting for you and your results to cmoe back all lovely and ready to TTC again
Hey Hun, :hugs:

Sorry for your loss and I'm really sorry for what you've been through with the smear side too, I have a colposcopy tomorrow and I'm so worried.

With regards to getting preggers my friend has had treatment for CIN2 twice and she's due any day now and has had no problems so it can happen.

I had cold coagulation for an ectopy which is similar to diathermy and I've got preggers twice since so the spermies got through fine because they say the opening can close a bit, sadly my pregnancies were chemicals but I nearly got there!

Also Hun, if you are TTC then you can have your cells checked in 4 months rather than 6 so maybe ask.

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