'abnormal' smear


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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i turned 25 in december & had my first smear test last month. wasnt a pleasant experience & the nurse said "see you in 3 years", excellent. anyway, had my results last week, and they are "abnormal". apparantly i have abnormal cells called...dyskyrosis (which is common in many women) and that they should turn "normal" again. i have to go back in 6 months for a repeat test and then if they are still abnormal will have to have treatment!!!! i was a little freaked out to say the least. anyway, my inlaws are here visiting from Italy, and my FIL is a gynocologist. OH decided to bring up my abnormal result over dinner. (cringe). his reaction really made me worry. he said that in italy they do smears every 2 years starting from 18, if an abormal result is found they do a colposcopy straight away (rather than waiting 6 months to see if they cells change again!!). as it happens, me and oh are planning to go to italy next month for a vist and he wants me to go to his studio there to have the colposcopy thingy!!!

has anyone had this? has anyone had an abnormal result change normal?!?! any advice would be great. sorry to rant on but im a little freaked!
Sorry, no advice but wanted to wish you good luck and to try and not worry xx
Hey hon, my friend had an abnormal smear and had a coloscopy - if ur fil is offering, I'd take him up on it rather than wait but totally up to u. Big hugs x x x
Hey hon, my friend had an abnormal smear and had a coloscopy - if ur fil is offering, I'd take him up on it rather than wait but totally up to u. Big hugs x x x

thanks, for sure when we go to Italy i will get it done at his studio...maybe by a colleaugue tho!!!! dont fancy him with a pair of binoculars up my foof!! (although he did do my c-sec and has seen more or less everything i guess!!!) i was so sure everything was fine though! to think i wasnt even going to go and have it done!!!! sillllyyy
A friend of mine had some abnormal cells and colposcopy but all is fine, she just has to have smears every 6 months to be sure :) x

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