

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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Hi ladies, just wanting to see if anyone else has felt like this :- I know I'm pregnant and therefore am going to put on weight. Pre pregnancy I was roughly a size 10, but not a slim 10, always had a round belly (not flat) and a biggish backside, but I used to feel curvy and didn't mind. Now I'm putting on baby weight I've wanted to keep a check on my weight gain and not go too mad but I'm failing miserably! I've been eating a lot of junk, healthy stuff too but a lot of junk aswell, and I can't seem to stop, it's like I don't get the feeling of being full anymore and I just stuff my face, and when I'm hungry I can't face a salad, I want carbs and lots of crappy filling rubbish and just can't seem to curb it! I know if I don't start eating less and eating healthier I'm going to turn into a monster and it's getting me really depresed. I'm sat in the bath after a huge Dominios pizza and too much chocolate feeling disgusted at myself, I really want to diet, are any of you ladies dieting whilst pregnant or can anyone offer me some support or something that's going to help me reach for the lettuce not the crisps. I've got 11 weeks left to try and control what weight I gain and it's now or never! Help!!
Hmmm sorry hun i cant really be of any help but i know exactly how you feel - ive been the same.

All i can say is wait until the baby moves up a bit and you get a bit bigger and you wont be able to eat as much - i can only manage small amounts of food now because theres just not enough room! xx
Hey Hun I wouldn't advise restricted eating cause baby needs nutrients but maybe choose diff foods or try not to eat mahooosive portions as I don't think baby needs too many more calories than what we already eAt! I know how u feel it's stressful thinking that we gotta get back to our pre baby weights :( I used to be size 8 it's crept up slowly to a 12 ( b4 preg) so I hope once baby is here I can get to a 10! ThAt would b good! X
I don't think dieting is advised unless you're doing it with a consultant and I think you have to have quite a high BMI before they'd even think of that. I agree trying to eat different healthier foods. I eat healthy but also eat crap too - balanced diet haha. Just remember the weight you're putting on is for you and baby and you both need it! You've got the rest of your life to be on a diet :)

I was exactly the same, and spent the last part of my pregnancy eating what I wanted - nutella out of the jar was my fav!
Im glad I just gave in and ate what I wanted, but I also walked up to 3 miles a day, so maybe try some gentle walking so you still feel like you are doing something healthly.

I put on over 2 and a half stone when i was pregnant. I lost a stone after birth, and then about 2 weeks later (after milk had come and gone, and fluid retention had gone down) I had lost another couple of pounds. Ive just started my diet again, and its quite easy, coz there is very little time in the day to sit down and eat properly, lol - I completly missed breakfast this morning coz LO was awake from 6am - 11am!
:wave: I've been the same until recently. I just don't feel as hungry now and it takes me ages to eat meals. I'm not dieting just changed to a healthy lifestyle :) I won't buy in anymore sweets or chocolates...if it ain't in I won't eat it kinda thing.

My OH is a chocolate and sweet fiend and he'll always want something sweet so if he wants it, now he has to go out and get it himself on a daily basis which doesn't annoy him :roll: . I found this hard the first few times cos he'd always ask if I wanted anything, was I sure, last chance etc etc It would piss me off, so now he takes my first answer which is "NO" :lol:

So just stock up on fruit and salads...I don't feel like them either but then I trot off and take a quick peek at how huge my legs and ass have gotten in my wardrobe mirror, which is NOT forgiving :lol: and I take the fruit or salad!!

I also stock up on rice cakes like snack a jacks that are caramel or chocolate flavoured and if I NEED sweet, then I go lift ONE out of the packet and walk away with it and that usually does the trick. If I brought the whole packet out with me they'd be gone.

Now...saying all the above...I've only started this week :lol: I'm not calorie counting or dieting, just when I eat I'm having healthier options.

Why don't you keep a wee food diary on here so you can track what you eat and get support. Remember your aim is not to diet...its to give bubba the best and healthy foods that you can ;)

Oh and I watched the 3 episodes on BBC iPlayer about Misbehaving Mums To Be and that was an eye opener as to what we eat goes to our bambino too.

Good luck chick, I know its really hard x
also think about the celeb mums who dont worry about dieting when preggo - mylene Klass put on 4 stone during both her pregnancies and after both she managed to look great again :)
I was just saying the other day that I used to get sooooo hungry a few weeks ago, eating 2 lunches and inwas constantly grazing, but my appetite has decreased recently. That said, i have put on so much weight since being preggo, mainly on my thighs and arms. I am just going to enjoy it for the next few weeks as I know regardless of whether I eat healthily now or not I am still going to try and eat healthily whilst breastfeeing to lose weight. I would say get enough nutrients, eat well but also enjoy the odd pig out and worry after you give birth!! X
Just to add please don't get obsessive about it all! I disagree about keeping a food diary as this is just going to make you focus on it all the more and I don't think thats healthy. Just try to be healthy but have a treat now and then. You weren't fat before and you're size isn't huge now!

I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes and just had to stop eating sugary foods. I still eat plenty but have either lost weight every week since, or at least stayed the same without depriving myself of any calories. And I LIVED for sweet stuff! So taking a look at the amount of sugar you eat could help - it's really been an eye opener for me because it's clearly not at all necessary since your body makes sugar out of other carbs so baby isn't missing out.

That said though, you were a nice healthy weight before whereas I was/am overweight, and you clearly eat well normally so any pregnancy weight will just come off, so why not enjoy just going to town with food while you can.
Hi! Yes I've been there before, I just eat almost anything and I'm always hungry. But I read an article in one baby site wherein maybe you lack certain nutrients that's why you're body is acting like that. I believe you should consult your OB about that. And eating junk isn't healthy, but I do understand also that it's just really tempting. Better switch to a healthier alternative. And some prenatal exercises will help you too like walking, squatting, pelvic rocking and etc. Here's one site I have found also which caters to pregnancy exercises, which helps you control gaining unnecessary weight. Hope this helps! pregnancy weight
Thanks for your replies ladies. Feel a bit better I think. Just need to have a word with myself and make some better choices x x
i was worrying about this but now think stuff it i will think about it after. i was an 8/10 before and am now a 12/14. i really bothered me but i thought im eating pretty well, some junk but also healthy stuff. also am keeping as active as i can with walking etc although cant do as much now as too much causes far too much pressure down below(sorry tmi).

if you can try and find an episode of natalie cassidy becoming mum i saw yesterday. its the one with her baby shower. she also has an antinatal class and the midwife fills a pair of tights with foods to represent all the things that come with having a baby that make you put weight on. ie extra water, fats, baby itself. there was alot of it and all in all it was about 1 1/2 to 2 stone so not suprising. you should be able to see it on 4od i think. was quite shocking.

otherwise hun i wouldn't worry. baby will keep you nice and active afterwards and will drop off. xxx
Well toni64539 chick, after my words of...ahem wisdom...I polished off a bag of pink bonbons yesterday :roll: I went to the museum with my son and we went into the museum shop afters, and they were staring at me, pleading for me to buy haha

Ah well, a wee treat day can't hurt :)

Glad you're feeling better about it all though. We shall endure many more days of feeling bleugh...well it depends which mirror I look in at home :lol: x

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