did you use baby products? i.e wipes,baby bath etc.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
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I keep reading different things and i know its silly but im confused as to what products to buy?? :wall:

Ive read that a newborns skin is really delicate so some books have said clean their bums with just cotton wool and cooled boiled water. First of all until when they are how many weeks/months? and also wouldnt this be a bit difficult if its pooped and just cleaning with water? :?
Secondly what about when you bath them? Ive read dont put anything in their bath but just water as they dont need baby bubble bath but then why are there so many baby bath products for sale? And again what age is it safe to use baby bath/shampoo?
Im really confused as i got some free pamper baby wipes in my pregnancy pack which i assume is to wipe their bums so can they be used for newborn? Most of the baby wipes ive seen are fragrance free so is this ok to use on a newborn as i would feel wipes would clean up poo and wee and clean their bums more than just cotton wool and water?
And so many products have pictures of tiny babies on them so i assume they can be used at birth so why is it reccommended to use nothing but water? :?
Sorry for the long and silly post but i dont really know who else to ask as i feel i should know this stuff :oops:
I think it depends on your baby I still can't use any wipes on Ella as they give her really bad nappy rash, cotton wool and water works surprisingly well and if you buy the pleats you can rip off big chunks to deal with poos!

We still use just water in the bath too as babies have really sensitive skin and we don't want to risk it, plus anything that foams dries out their skin.
If you use wetwipes on your newborn he/she will def get nappy rash. Buy some cotton wool pleats and you can just tear strips off and use them in warm water. It gets poop off fine. they only do little explosive poops to start with! :)

I wouldnt use any bath products either to start with. they have such delicate skin when they're first born.

All id get is some cotton wool pleats, sudocrem and baby oil (to massage in their flakey bits!) to start with.

Keep the wet wipes. they usually come in handy to mop up puke!
I used baby wipes from day one... and lil miss only started having nappy rash today and she is teething atm... so its probably that...

As for the bath.... water dries skin terribly regardless of age, but babies have more issues... lil miss gets bathed in oil and water... I did wash her in Johnstons once to see how she went with it... but I wish I hadn't because it really irritated her skin..
I used baby wipes and baby bath pretty much straight away with Nathan. First couple of days after he was born I did try using cotton wool and water to clean his bum with but it got too messy so just used wipes after that and never had a problem :)

When the midwifes in the hospital give him his first bath they used johnsons baby bath to bath him in so I just carried on using that when I got him home :)
Definitely cotton wool and water all the way! Used wipes on her once and she had a rash within hours. As for bathing, just water, nothing fancy. Only thing that gets special treatment is her sticky eye which gets cleaned with boiled water through breastmilk is preferable (anyone able to BF wanna lend me their boob? :rotfl: ).
daftscotslass said:
Definitely cotton wool and water all the way! Used wipes on her once and she had a rash within hours. As for bathing, just water, nothing fancy. Only thing that gets special treatment is her sticky eye which gets cleaned with boiled water through breastmilk is preferable (anyone able to BF wanna lend me their boob? :rotfl: ).

not sure I can squirt that far lol

I use reusable wipes which is basically flannel, with warm water and that gets both my girls clean.
We used cotton wool and water at first for about 8 weeks and also nothing in the bath. Now we use baby wipes, baby bath and baby shampoo without a problem... never really had nappy rash or any other rashes :)

I think its personal preference and also depends on your baby :)
:shock: I'm going to buck the trend... we use Johnstons bath bath and bedtime bath for her evening bath and Evie's skin is fine. I also use baby lotion on her and use baby shampoo to wash her hair- she'll be 5 weeks on Wednesday.

I use cotton wool and water at home- purely because it's cheaper! my OH uses the wipes though cause he prefers them for some reason! I always put a bit of sudocrem on E when I change her but I haven't noticed any rashes. I try to give her a bit of 'nappy off time' every day so she doesn't get nappy rash.

It all depends on your baby- TBH the bath stuff is only to make them smell nice- isn't really nescessary! :lol:
i used water and cotton wool only for the first 6 weeks (oh and olive oil for the newborn-y dry skin)
i couldnt wait to use all the johnsons stuff people had bought us that smells all nice!
We used baby wipes from day one and Ella has been fine..also we used products in the bath and she never had a reaction. But one day I wiped her face with a baby wipe and it went very dry, so I just use cotton wool and water to wash her face.
I used wipes for Calleighs bottom from a couple of days old, she has never had a reaction to them. I use fragrance free/sensitive wipes.

Bathed her with water for her first few baths, but now i add a little drop of baby bath and every now and then wash her hair with a drop of baby shampoo.

Her face is her sensitive area and that gets washed in plain water with cotton wool.

Each baby is different, if you choose to use products just use them sparingly and if you spot any reactions stop using them.

Oh and i use olive oil on calleigh if she gets any dry patches. None lately, mainly when she was a newborn.
While i was in hospital i used cotton wool and water. Not boiled but the midwife gave me the stuff. Saved my wipes! From coming home i use wipes and had not problems!
As for baths i was told not to use anything. But before i found that out i bought the Johnsons pack! It's £20 but has everything in it. Found it a cheaper way and you won't forget anything coz it's all there. But it's ready not for when she's a bit bigger and can use that stuff. And it comes in a plastic box with a handle.
Angel has very dry skin so i have to put Hydromol in her bath as well as putting it direct onto her skin. My health visitor gave me that.
Thankyou for your replies. Ive just gone out and bought 4 packs of pleated cotton wool :D I think i will use cotton wool and water to start with when im changing her and also just water in the bath at first.
I love all the baby products though they smell so yummy cant wait until i put baby shampoo on her hair for the first time :hug:
I used cotton wool in hospital but wipes since I came home and Lily has never had a problem and I use the lavander johnsons bath products. Lilys never had a problem. If she had it would be back to plain water.

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