Did I have a possible early miscarriage? Opinions


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Sep 2, 2015
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Back in March of this year, I was running a high temperature for about a month. My temperature was 99 degrees everyday, although I felt wonderful as if I could run a marathon. I went to the doctor, and he had no idea what was wrong with me other than it possibly being my allergies and the weather change. I took allergy medicine everyday but continued to have fever. Right at about 4 weeks, I had a sudden, VERY heavy period. The worst period I had in a couple of years. I bled through 3 Regular tampons in one hour, then two for a couple of hours, then my period became regular. Terrible cramps, I had to take off of work because I felt like I was going to throw up from the pain and how much blood I was losing. I remember I had a blood clot as well, and when I would go use the bathroom and sit on the toilet, blood would just fall out of me. I called my doctor and she asked my to take a pregnancy test but it was negative. I never found out what it could be, until yesterday morning I wondered if it could have been a very early miscarriage and I would have never known. I never have a fever from a period, nor have I had a high temp of 99 for that long. I am not trying to become pregnant, however if it happens it happens. I am on birth control and have been for a few years. I live with my fiancé, we have unprotected sex. Opinions?
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