Did anyone get their period in 1st tri? worried here!


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Hi everyone, I am hoping that someone can help put my mind at ease here a bit.

Firstly, my nana had regular ''periods'' when she was pregnant at 38, I'm 37 so this could be heriditary.

On the last day of a 27 day cycle i was getting lots of BFP's, that was 30th July - I still am getting BFP's but I came on right on schedule late that night (30th July)

I've been to the doctors, but I wont know till next week what is going on.

I am getting all the signs that I am pregnant, infact getting new signs daily! I am not cramping but I am definitly NOT spotting. TMI but the blood smells kind of medical, it's not my normal period where I would pass a lot of sizeable clumps and be flooding - but i am passing a few small clots, the blood was kind of watery and thin, very pinky red but again not spotting amount. It started off brown mucis like and yesterday morning i passed a lot of brown after a night of not bleeding at all..... after i passed this a pain I was getting disappeared that was on my left side above my pubic bone.

I dont know when I ovulated, but i do know i wasnt getting a positive on a 25mlu test only a 10mlu. At A and E they tested on a standard strip and it came up negative, came home and did a 10mlu one and again positive (havnt had a negative at all, everyone is coming up positive on cheapies and boots early response)

I was really just hoping someone here could say Yes I had a period too and everything is ok!

I feel well tonight and my temp is still consistenly over 37.1 (was 37.9 after cleaning!) I am getting twinges above my belly button and to the left quite a lot tonight, my bbs grew veins yesterday.

If I had had a chemical pregnancy on the day of my ''period'' would I be getting positives and new symptoms daily?

thanks for reading, right now I don't know what to think, but I have a funny feeling my body is sending me symptoms to say everything is going to be Ok and you're just one of these unfortunates who doesn't get an af break!
Hi, I did have a day of bleeding when my first period was due. (It was a relief for me at the time, as I wasn't planning on getting pregnant!) But it stopped within 24 hours. A friend of mine had 2 or 3 full periods with her first baby and all was fine.

I really hope you're alright. :hug:
Holly I read your post in TTC - congratulations :clap:

I would think that the fact you are bleeding and have pain but an obvious + hcg level will mean they will keep a pretty close eye on you over the next couple of weeks so try not to worry too much :hug: Are you going back for a second beta?

Jane x
I had 2 'periods' when I first fell pregnant with my son, only reason I knew I was pregnant was because I started feeling sick and I was 8 weeks gone by then. With the second period they did a scan, and then another scan at 10 weeks and all was fine. They said it was just one of those things!

Good Luck hun sure if they keeping a eye on you all will be fine!! :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys! i wonder why we don't all get a break from af then?
nature is a funny thing!!! :wall:
Still on today but it's obvious it's just hardly anything now. It is hard to feel pregnant though, it's a contradiction.

Yes going back tuesday for more blood tests and the pain has been a urine infection, but i'm thinking it feels more like an inflamed bladder to me radiating pain and heat rather than like cystitus, but i knew i was needing to pee more, but put it down to being pregnant lol! :doh:

I'm starting to get excited now, you can have a number as low 5 by 6 weeks i think!! , so i think i am doing ok. :)

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