How Pregnant Am I????


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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Hiya, this may sound a bit stupid but I am unsure how pregnant I am...
I initially worked my dates to make me eight weeks now, however i am not certain.
Basically, my last period came a week early and was light and lasted three days (15th - 18th August) - at the time i put this down to stress as was getting married the following week.
I started feeling sick from 3rd Sept, and did test on 14th which was positive (day before next period due).
The reason I am confused is, would I have felt sick at just two or three weeks pregnant? If dates wrong would have been six to seven weeks...
Also, I am already showing and have quite a big bump...
My scan is on Nov 12th, but dont want to wait until then to know how far along I am. Just wondered what you guys thought...
:think: unless your last period was implantation bleeding and then you could be 12 weeks??
The only way you are really going to know for sure is at your scan hun, so you will probably have to wait until then :( I think my scan is going to be booked in for that week to, so ive gotta wait a month too! Its hard isnt it!!
If you're saying your bump is quite big then, as suggested, your last period may not have been a period as such but implantation bleeding. So you would need to think back to the period before that to get dates.

According to my dates i was four weeks when i tested but the scan said 5, i know it wasnt much of a difference, but i suppose you'll find out for sure at the scan.
Everyone but me got to be MORE pregnant than they thought at their scan! I was two weeks less than I thought - that does sound to me (because of it being a different date and lighter bleed) like implantation rather than a period so it sounds like you're further on too - let's hope so :D
I would go from the day of your period, It's always nicer to be put forward than put back at your dating scan, you may get a pleasant surprise :wink:

Also congrats on yor pregnancy and wedding :D
lizi said:
Everyone but me got to be MORE pregnant than they thought at their scan! I was two weeks less than I thought - that does sound to me (because of it being a different date and lighter bleed) like implantation rather than a period so it sounds like you're further on too - let's hope so :D

I got put back 2 weeks too, it was awful, felt like forever catching up to where I thought I had been :(
Thanks, will stick to original dates for now and hopefully will pleasant surprise as you said. Am noticably big now and my clothes are tight or dont fit. Was hoping not to tell too many people but friends are taking one look at me and guessing or politely saying nothing thinking I ate all the pies! Will let you know when I have the scan! Thanks

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