Diaper changing questions...


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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I have absolutely no idea how often will I need to change a newborns baby diaper?
Will I have to do it every time it has a wee or only of it poos? Or every couple of h for example regardless of pee or poo?
And do I do it before feeding? Or after? Or in the middle I it has a poo?
What happens during the night? Do you only change of it poos so you don't wake the baby or at every feed?
God I wish those babies would come with a manual :(
My Mw said never wake him to change him, even if it's a poo. Newborns poo loads btw!!! So I'd wait til he wakes up.

I change him after a feed as when he's hungry he screams! Though lots of people do it before, you'll find out what suits your baby.

You can tell when they've wee'd because the nappy goes very bulky at the front so you know to change it then.

I don't worry about changing at night unless it's a massive leaky poo or he's woken up by himself.

Hope that helps xx
Yep it helps loads. Good to know to leave the poor baby alone until it wakes or starts crying.
Thanks God I asked I would have been hysterical bothering that little baby bean every h to keep it all dry and clean :roll:
Oh also, if he poos mid-feed (which happens a lot, feeding stimulates babies poo reflex) I wait til he's finished before I change his nappy as he goes mad if you stop feeding him, but again that's an individual thing x
It all makes sense yes. It also probably depends on the baby. Probably it will let me know by screaming when it feels uncomfortable.
I saw not long time ago a thread where Someone was changing the baby's bum every time it had a wee using a terrible amount of diapers every day and being quite surprised and critical towards others that they don't do it like that.
That's when I started wondering if it's actually cruel and unhealthy and uncomfortable to leave them with a wet diaper but I suppose they will not be content of they don't like it.
Albert won't feed in a dirty nappy, pee or poo, so it gets changed before he feeds.....and then he'll crap in it about 10 minutes later :roll:. I was told to budget for 8-10 nappies a day for a newborn but I use anything up to 15 :shock:. Albert's formula fed though, I don't think bf babies use as many
I change K after every feed, (not before because she gets very angry lol), or if I notice her diaper is wet or dirty. I never change her through the night unless it is bothering her. Most diapers don't feel wet to the baby, unless you do cloth. Don't stress too much about... You will learn quickly! You can also get diapers that have a colour changing line on them so you know when they have weed without opening it! Love those!
I was taught to change newborns before a feed when they're just stirring. Then they're awake enough for the feed and if they fall asleep while they're feeding you don't disturb them even if they poop.
Oh dear that sounds so logical too.
I have to ban all visitors lol until I figure it all out before someone accuse me for bad parenting lol.
Honestly you'll be ok :) your attention will turn to how explosives the poo can be lol!!!
I never understood that either lol... How a small thing like that cab make such a poo to even go on the walls :roll:
Henry is changed before each feed as he won't eat with a dirty nappy. I then only change him of I motive he has had a big wee, if I hear him fart/feel his bottom ripple or I smell poop. It doesn't smell gross, u can just tell it's poop. It's the first thing I check for when he cries cos he hates havin a dirty nappy. If it's what a call a dirty Gary I leave it to form into somethin worth changin a nappy for.

The explosions r somethin else! Henry will fart loudly, pull a funny face then grin from ear to ear! Make sure u pull the grill inside the nappy round and it should (hopefully!) contain the worst of it!

And the colour indicator lines r fab! Lol!
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I change Harry after a feed cos otherwise he crus lots, gets agitated and then takes ages to latch on cos he's so mad (I'm breastfeeding)

But as the others have said its trial and error. We started by changing his nappy first but after a couple of seasons of crying we swooped to feeding first and that works

Depending in when he feeds and needs a nappy changing I sometimes feed from one boob then change his nappy then offer him the other noob as changing his nappy dies wake him

Also if you're thinking of stocking up on nappies don't go mad. I got a few packs if size 1 nappies (about enough for 2 weeks) but Harry was a big baby And by day 5 we were in the next size up!!
I've had 2 LO's & here's what Ive done -

Change nappy before every feed, if its newborn & feeding every 2 hours i'd change before every 2nd feed (they dont drink enough to soil thro a nappy in 2 hours at that age). Reason for doing so before feed is that, its not so good for LO's tummies to be moved about & have legs pulled up after a feed, can cause them to be sick. Also, my LOs when newborn, got quite sleepy after a feed, so it made it easier to lift into cot straight after bottle.

I found doing it before every feed, gets you into the habit of doing it every couple of hours. I change a poo every time it happens, during night or not.

There is no need to change after every pee & there is no way to know when LO has done 1 pee, it has to be a good bit of pee before you'll feel it in nappy. It doesn't harm baby to have a bit of pee in nappy

Henry was in 1's for about 2 weeks and he is just comin out of 2's now at 9 weeks x

If u do go a bit mad on nappies an get tooamy, keep the receipts and as long as they r unopened shops should just let I exchange for the next size xx
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Nah I am not planning on stocking on diapers really. I will get 2 packs of the 2 major brands that we have here pampers and libero on newborn size and that's all. We have a supermarket 2 min drive away and my oh can pop there at any moment to get some I suppose.
Am I too naive of thinking that?
I would personally have more than 2 packs. I wouldn't feel prepared enough lol!

I had 2 small packs and a box of size 1's, and 2 boxes of size 2's at the ready. Got them on special offer sI didn't spend a fortune.
Larly help me understand that! Isnt it the same if the store stores them instead of me?( providing that you have where to shop fast and someone to go get it ofc)
Also we don't know how much LO will weight or which brand suits him/ her best!
I was thinking of 4 packs though. 2 of each brand.
Gawd, I started shopping for nappies from 20 weeks :lol: I have enough to keep him going til he's 8 months probably lol!! I got all the buy one get one free offers and saved myself a fortune.

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