Changing in the night


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Do those of you who have to feed their baby several times each night change them on every feed?

I have to get up 3 times with Rubie and changing her nappy really stresses her out and makes her really unsettled, it can take 2 hours feed, burp and change her, then get her settled.

Would it be cruel to skip one change, say the 1am one, as long as she hadnt done a poo and hadn't leaked?

What does everyone else do?
i asked my midwife the same thing, coz i used to changed at every feed on my others and like you it unsettled them.

she said as long as there is no poo and not soaked then its ok to leave them for a while.

i just make sure in the mornings i put a layer of cream on Coby just incase, but so far its not harmed or irrated him atall.

I change aimee when i put her to bed about 11 and she doesn't wale up again till 6 or 7 and she is fine.I was told not to change her unless she is soaked cos it will disturb her even more and make it harder to get her back to sleep. I think missing one change is fine, might even help getting her back to sleep quicker.
Phoebe has one feed during the night but I don't change her unless she is very wet.
I used to but found it really unsettled her.
Problem with Phoebe is she doesn't seem to care if she's got a wet or pooey nappy so throughout the day I just change her at regular intervals. Not necessarily before a feed though.
Are you supposed to change them before every feed?
I was changing Ella before or after every feed (depending on how hungry she is as it's not worth the headache making her wait for her feed until I've changed her nappy!), but last night we didn't change her when she woke up and she went straight to sleep with no fussing which hasn't been the case the past few nights when we have changed her.
I used to change Jack on every feed but I dont now unless he is very wet or had a poo!

He definately settles better and isnt as sick
Jack has his last feed before bed at 11-12pm (change his nappy and put to bed), then at 4am (change his nappy) and then at 8.30am, and then i get him up and dressed etc.
At the moment it's a religious routine and i hope it stays like that.

I got told that a nappy can be left 3-4 hours before it needs changing, obviously unless they have poo'd or wet through.
Every child is different and their wee amount differ everyday, so i just use common sense. :D (well what little i have!)
I change Seren when she wakes up in the night as she only tends to wake the once, but am using reusables and they don't draw away the moisture. However if she wakens up after that I don't tend to change her if she does not "smell" wet. I find that if I change her first then feed her she tends to settle better. Am getting great at changing nappies in the dark now :D .
Am getting great at changing nappies in the dark now

I thought I was untill I had a nappy the other day, absolutely overflowing with very runny 'custard like' poo!!! It was everywhere....up to his neck, down his arms and legs!!! :cry:

I change her first then feed her she tends to settle
I do this also, seems a bit daft as during the day I always leave it till a while after, as Jack always poo's after a feed, but It does settle him better at night, plus its usually only wet nappies at night at the moment!!!
i only changed Ewan if his nappy had leaked. but he would be up untill 11pm then awake at 5.
Now he goes from 7.30 to 5 without a nappy change - the disposeables keep him really dry during the night. and i use terries during the day
I used to change Ava's diaper after every feed, but now I only do it if she's really wet.
i don't cahnage hannah in night unless she poo's and she is fine pampers can be left upto 12 hours it says on packs so they r ok if they sleep through but i do use cream at every nappy change
I change Damien before every feed, wet or not. He doesn't really complain when his nappy is wet/dirty so I just change it every 4 hours or so when fed. If he makes a dirty nappy after a feed I leave him for about half hour or so.
I do it this way due to his reflux though. If I pulled him about after a feed him would bring up everything I just given him. Only if he has done a dirty nappy and won't settle do I change it after a feed.
I change Maddie after a feed (no point doing it before as she almost always poos while she's eating :lol: ) but in the night I only change her if her nappy is dirty or feels very wet. They are designed to keep babies dry for hours.

I also use a barrier cream on her, and she hasn't had problems with nappy rash so far....

I change Isaac before each feed and between feeds if he is having quiet alert time and gets a bit grumpy. I must admit thought a couple of times in the night I have taken off his nappy and found he is not wet so I have put a clean nappy on him without using a baby wipe. I think that its sometimes the coldness of the wipes that makes him upset. I stopped using water and cotton wool a week or so after having him home because he had a mamouth pooh that needed wipes and I found it so much easier I havent used cotton wool and water since.


I change Kiara at every feed as well she always has at least a pee in there lol, and i like it cuz it wakes her up a bit more so she eats better and sleeps longer in the long run.
lou said:
I stopped using water and cotton wool a week or so after having him home because he had a mamouth pooh that needed wipes and I found it so much easier I havent used cotton wool and water since.

I've never used cotton wool & water because in hospital they gave me wet wipes and the midwives used them on Rubie when I was unable to change her (due to illness) and they have never caused a problem, she has never been sore or dry or anything 'down there'
I've just started using wet wipes when Damien was about a month old. Didn't before just coz he was prem and had very delicate skin. So much bloomin' hoohar though, glad I'm on the good old johnsons wipes now!! He has never been sore or anything either.
cotton wool is a pain sometimes! i'll switch to wipes in a few weeks.
i never know when to try and change her in the night because as you say it makes them restless etc. suppose you just have to gauge the need etc x

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