getting them to poo in the potty when young?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Just wondered whether anyone had used a potty for poos in young babies?

Maisie always poos at roughly the same time every 2nd or 3rd day and you can tell when she is about to. WE have a potty someone had given us so this morning we have sat in her in it when she started thinking of doing it and she sat quite happily and did a huge poo :dance:

I know she isn't being potty trained as she doesn't know what she is doing but it will save me rinsing out her poo-y nappies if we catch her in time.

Has anyone else tried it?
good idea but if i did that with Evie she'd just poo as she crawled about...she refuses to sit still even when pooing as I found out the other day when I had to follow her all over the lounge catching poo in a towel :roll: :roll:

*I need to plan her nappy off time a little better* :rotfl: :rotfl:
Ive just started to potty train, Willow doesnt really know what it is all about yet but every morning after her Milk she needs to do a poo so we get her potty sit her on it and she does a poo and a wee we have a reward chart and after she has been she picks a sticker and we put in on her chart she has done it 6 days in a row now.

Im really surprised how quickly she is picking it up because i only got the potty last week, even if she is going in her nappy she squats.
It can work, my mum was telling me that she put us kids over the potty when we were quite young. Even though we didnt quite know what we were doing but it turn it apparently helped us when it came to potty training.
Plus i think it helped save my mum a bit of washing as we were all in terry towelling back then.

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