Delivering placenta - natural or injection?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2012
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I have just come back from my NCT class and we learnt a lot about the 3rd stage of labour. One thing I am unsure of is do I opt for the natural delivery of placenta or the injection to deliver it? Just wondering what your experiences were? Thanks
I had injecion with Lily and will be having it again - no doubt in my mind! x
Did it come away within the 7-8 mins they recommend? Does that mean you also cut the cord right away with lily?
Injection every time, but not until cord stops pulsating x
As far as I know it came away quickly and Dean cut Lily's cord! xx
Cos, do u mean the cord was cut wen it stopped plusating? I think that's the option I want. X
Yes, the cord was only cut once it had stopped pulsating x
I wanted to wait for cord to stop pulsing but couldn't as was induced. I will try this time. I'll then havery injection as placenta.came away so well last time Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
We were told today that they will let the cord pulsate then give the injection as standard unless you request otherwise x
I wanted a natural delivery but due to too much blood loss I was given the injection.
I haven't committed yet as to be honest I am still not sure???

Plan A (ideal) is to use the birthing centre and possible give birth in the pool. If you have a water birth they clamp the cord straight away. MW said this is because women who have water births tend to "drop" the placenta as soon as they get up and leave the pool... So it literally drops right out and baby cannot still be attached.

If I don't give birth in water [and have the choice] I'd like for the cord to stop pulsating before having the injection BUT if it feels right I'd like to be able to opt to have a natural 3rd stage at the time. So I want to be able to decide at the time??

If there are any issues and I struggle I am happy to accept injection on the MW's say so.

I opted to not have the injection and didn't have any problems delivering the placenta, will be doing the same this time :flower:
I actually can't even remember the placenta but :/ how bad is that lol I was in too much shock that is actually had a baby!!! Haha x
Sorry to jump on your thread but if you don't have the injection how long does the placenta take to deliver?
I have no idea, I was too amazed by baby.... just gave me more time for cuddles... within half hour I think mine took x
I got told today they usually allow 2 hours for natural, it can be as quick as 10 mins but it could also be 2 hours. With the injection you have 7-8 minutes.
What are the reasons for not having it done? I hadn't heard about this before. Rookie! :)
I hadn't either before NCT class. I'm not really sure on the pros and cons, I asked today what the success rate of a natural delivery was and it was just as high as with the injection, it's just the injection speeds it all up to 7/8 mins. I think there is a danger with either that the placenta wouldn't detach but I don't know how common that is and if by 2 hours you don't deliver it naturally I think they then give you the injection.

I think ill go for injection and let the placenta stop pulsating before its cut. I think!
Sorry to jump on your thread but if you don't have the injection how long does the placenta take to deliver?

Anything between a few minutes and a few hours.... They pretty much leave you nursing bub but on a commode and can issue injection at any time (it will take effect within minutes!)

What are the reasons for not having it done? I hadn't heard about this before. Rookie! :)

The theory is that if you manage a natural birth you shouldn't then go and have artificial hormones in your system... That is what the injection is!!

There are studies that suggest having the injection can interfer with the mothers balance of hormones thus making it more difficult to nurse the baby and for bonding to take place.

Also hospitals tend to offer the injection not because it is best for mother BUT because it saves time. If you can gurantee placenta is out within ten minutes [as opposed to two hours] then that is going to mean you can move mother faster, clean up the room and get someone else in...

It may sound crazy that a woman would want to extend the birthing process by potentially taking hours to have a natural third stage BUT some women think it is very important to carry on the naturalness of the birth.

As I say I am undecided, and really want the option to see how it goes on the day!

Nat I think that's sensible. I guess I would also like to see how labour goes before I decide, one thing I did learn at NCT is that my partner is going to have to make the decisions for me. He knows me best if i cant make them for myself. It was certainly an eye opener!

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