Delivering placenta - natural or injection?

I remember my placenta delivering like yesterday. I had injection as soon as cord cut, was about 5 mins and it was out. I remember the feeling if her slowly tugging on it. Felt so strange! X

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
defo having the injection as it also lowers the chances of hemorrhaging as well, by polices now they dont give it you till 2 minutes after baby is born so it allows the placenta to pulsate and deliver the last goodness of the placenta. xx
As far as I'm aware the injection isn't just to speed up the delivery of the placenta, it is to help ensure that the whole placenta comes away to minimise the chances of losing lots of blood. If you have a natural 3rd stage there is a chance the placenta will not fully come away and you effectively bleed through the attached bit of placenta excessively.

After my friend had retained placenta which got infected this is something I will not be risking should the time arise again.
Yeah and also, although you contract to get it out its a bit of a misconception that you 'push'. I was ooogling baby as it was pushed out Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I think I'm quite happy to go with my hospitals policy of injection after the cord has stopped pulsating. We were told yesterday at anti natal that the policy is to give you an hour to deliver naturally if you don't want the injection x
I was delivered by a paramedic and we waited for the cord to stop pulsating before cutting. Then I was left for 15 mins until a midwife came and gave me the injection (probably unnecessary by then anyway but I just wanted it out ASAP!!!) after the injection she pulled it away roughly 10 mins later.

I'd have the injection straight away if I did it again..found it horrible waiting to deliver the placenta!
I had the injection then 12 days later had a post partum hemorrhage due to retained products so it's not guaranteed.

What is it about cord pulsating? I never knew about this? Xxx
I had the injection and less than 2 mins later it came away. But I also had an inside out placenta so not sure if this is why it was so quick?
I had the injection as I had a ventouse delivery and was losing a tiny bit more blood than they would have liked.
I had the injection and i felt the doctor just press on my belly a couple of times and it was out. so quick and didnt feel a thing x
If you are bleeding too much the injection helps to stop the bleeding so it is valuable in this case otherwise the main advantage is that it speeds things up for the comfort of the mother and the convenience of the doctors. I believe from what I've read that the injection cuts down on the chances of having a bad hemorrhage at the time but because it speeds the process up it actually increases the risk of the placenta breaking and you retaining part of it and of having a hemorrhage in the several days after the birth so the risks even out. Some women have an allergic reaction to the synthetic hormones but that is rare.
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i opted for the injection when doing my birth "plan" elise was born at 18.01 injecion given right away never felt a thing and 18.04 everything was out xx
I had the injection but I think that was because I ended up in theatre with a ventouse delivery so it sped up the placenta. x
I agreed to injection but wanted to wait until cord stopped pulsing.

I don't even remember them giving the injection but as I'd taken a long to to actually get baby out the couldn't wait for the cord to stop - they needed placenta out as they needed to check the blood supply etc to see if it had affected baby.

placenta came out really easily, within minutes and both midwives sat at the end of the bed and had a good root around whilst I looked on... OH was with the dr and baby on other side of room LOL!!

To be honest I'd had such a long labour the thought of another hour plus did not appeal...

I opted for the injection, and thought I had had it.

But my mum (birthing partner) said that she was just about to inject when another midwife said your delivering give it one last push....I know this sounds mingling but it was such a nice feeling to have it out. I was dreading delivering the placenta, but it was fine, so I never had the injection, I don't remember. So that was delivered I think 35 minutes after birth...don't quote me mind! It's all a blur.
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Like most things adv and disadvantage of both. If you opt for natural 3rd stage you can always have the injection later.
I have had the injection both times and will have it again this time around.
Once i was given it my placenta was out within 5 minutes or so just with the mw pushing on my tummy and giving it a little tug.
There wasn't really time to discuss it, it came out by itself right after baby came out. I just pushed a bit to help it along x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

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