Labour - 3rd Stage - are you/did you have the injection?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2005
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I can't decide whether to have the injection after delivery or not - the one that is supposed to speed up the 3rd stage of labour. My sister in law lost a lot of blood after the birth of her second child and the placenta wouldn't come away so she had to go to theatre to have it removed so that made me think I would have the injection but I was just reading an article where this woman had to go to theatre anyway as her body contracted down too quickly and the placenta didn't come out as a result of the injection.

What did you do?/ What are you planning to do?


38 +6
I had it and the placenta came out within 3 minutes, I had no problems, to be honest I didn't think twice I just opted to have it
I had the injection and the placenta came out straight away, i did not feel anything at all :) I did not lose a lot of blood, less than 300 ml and I was perfectly fine afterwards. I do not regret it because i was so fed up with the pushing!!!! I knew the placenta went out because I saw them putting it in a plastic bag otherwise, I would not have noticed it at all!!!!
Kim said:
I had it and the placenta came out within 3 minutes, I had no problems, to be honest I didn't think twice I just opted to have it

same, but mine came out after 5 minutes. I would have it again, they did it just after I had pushed Damien out and barely noticed it.
it epends i guess, in my birth plan i wanted them to leave it till the cord had stopped pulsing before they cut it and for the placenta to come out on its own but i was given the drug that speeds up contractions and because of that cord had to be cut asap and the placenta hd to come out so was given the injection. if next time i don't need it i won't have it but i had no problems with it, placenta came out quickly x
Thanks for your replies everyone, and sharing your experiences.

38 + 6
Hiya Lucy

I too had the injection without any problems. It was just weird watching my placenta being removed - Looked like the midwife was pulling a boat in!

What you need to remember which so many women forget is that if you don't have the injection you can wait up to an hour to deliver the placenta and in that time you will continue to get contractions!! Not as bad as labour but still the last thing you want when you are trying to have your first cuddle with your baby!! You can always change your mind too and have the injection whenever you want it if you get fed up with waiting / contracting.

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