Delaying weaning


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Ella hit 4 months yesterday and already weaning has been mentioned :x She has been a bit unsettled recently and my Mum seems to think that weaning will help, but I disagree.
Ella isn't a hungry baby, she sometimes takes 6oz, but not often. She used to cry for a feed every 3 hours but now after 4 hours she isn't bothered and sometimes won't finish her bottle. She hasn't doubled her birthweight yet (7lbs 8oz - current weight in sig) but is gaining weight well.
OH and I have said we will wait until she's 6 months, unless she needs it before, I can't see happening which makes me really want to try BLW. The only 'sign' out of the list is she's eyeing up our food.
She sleeps through 12+ hours a night but during the day she can be a nightmare, really unsettled and nothing can soothe her, and my Mum seems to think weaning will solve that?

I guess I just need reassurance that I'm doing the right thing in waiting, and I'm not denying her what she needs just because it's not something I want to try yet???
My HV gave me strict instruction not to wean til she's 6 months old! I know i don't have to think about it yet but i don't think i'll be ready before then.

I think it's down to personal preference whether you wean or not. If you don't feel comfortable now and don't think LO is ready then don't. One of my nephews was around 8 months before he was started on the weaning.
technically you aren't delaying weaning as 6 months is the recommended age. If you don't feel your child needs it then don't do it, at this age solids offer no nutritional value or better calories (breastmilk is more calorific then solids, and I would imagine formula to be the same).

I am being told that Cally needs weaning. She is nearly double her birth weight, is waking up in the night, having frequent feeds but I believe her digestive system is way too immature so she can wait and she is having growth spurts. As for eying up food, babies do take interest in what you are doing. Cally was sitting on OH's knee yesterday and just following the fork from his plate to his mouth, she also grabbed a carrot off my plate the other week - but at this stage thats what she'll do as she can now use her arms. She was watching OH drink a beer also but no-one says to me to give her a sip.

Go with what you feel is right, if you do wantto wean before 6 months the guidelines is 17 weeks as befpore this their digestive system isn'tready and their kidneys can't cope with protein etc. However it is somuch easier to wait, BLW is there, and there is less stuffyou have to avoid. Midna is the best person to ask, she is the queen of delayed weaning :)

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