Back to her old ways...


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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I knew it was too good to be true!

We're in week 5 of weaning and in the first 2 weeks Isla's milk intake went up to 25oz+ a day and she gained almost a lb. But since then, she's gradually gone back down to her old levels of intake - between 15-20oz a day and she's only gained 6oz in weight in the last 2 weeks. On Friday she weighed 13lb and she's now 5 months...

Of course, I'm back to my stressing about her slow weight gain and if she's getting enough of all the nutrients she needs etc.

She's currently having 2 'meals' a day and having milk every 4 hours (5 feeds a day). I want to introduce another meal but am worried that will reduce her milk intake further...
amelia has breakfast lunch and pudding and tea and pudding and has 6ox of milk at night and her porridge made with her formula in a morning so another 6ozs ish (she drinks about 2 after her porridge) and she is 5 and half month and she has been gaining steadily amelia was 11lb 7.5 last week at 21 weeks x
Maybe increase the time between her milk feeds a little bit more. She may drop a feed during the day but will take more at each feed x.
amelia has breakfast lunch and pudding and tea and pudding and has 6ox of milk at night and her porridge made with her formula in a morning so another 6ozs ish (she drinks about 2 after her porridge) and she is 5 and half month and she has been gaining steadily amelia was 11lb 7.5 last week at 21 weeks x

Thanks for the response. Wasn't Amelia 4lbish at birth? Which means she has already doubled her birth weight? It doesn't look like Isla will hit that target with only 1 month to go and 3lb to gain!!

I just wish I could stop worrying about it but I get so stressed when she has a 'bad' feeding day.

I'm going to start introducing a third meal this week and hope that doesn't push her milk intake down any further.
Hopefully she starts drinking more milk again soon, Tegans on 3 meals and about 18oz she'll be 7 months thursday and still hasn't doubled her birth weight. how many weeks is Isla now? x
Maybe increase the time between her milk feeds a little bit more. She may drop a feed during the day but will take more at each feed x.

Thanks for this. I thought about doing this but I only increased the time between her feeds to 4 hours 3 weeks ago... Isn't she too young to be dropping another feed...?

I just don't know what to try next...
Hopefully she starts drinking more milk again soon, Tegans on 3 meals and about 18oz she'll be 7 months thursday and still hasn't doubled her birth weight. how many weeks is Isla now? x

She's just turned 5 months and is 22 weeks (I think!).

I'm waiting for the Dietitian appt so maybe they will give some useful advice..! Here's hoping!

I think I'm just feeling really cross with myself as I just keep getting worked up about it which isn't helpful to anyone! I just worry that I'm not doing the right things re feeding schedule, weaning etc... Having a wobbly parent moment!
As long as she's getting between 18-21oz's a day it's ok. At 5 months I got charley into this routine
7.00 bottle
7.30 breakfast
10.00 bottle
12.00 lunch
1.00 bottle
4.00 dinner
6.30 bedtime bottle

At 6 months I then dropped his 1.00pm bottle and he started taking more milk at the other feeds and started sleeping 12 hours at night x.
As long as she's getting between 18-21oz's a day it's ok. At 5 months I got charley into this routine
7.00 bottle
7.30 breakfast
10.00 bottle
12.00 lunch
1.00 bottle
4.00 dinner
6.30 bedtime bottle

At 6 months I then dropped his 1.00pm bottle and he started taking more milk at the other feeds and started sleeping 12 hours at night x.

Thanks. She just about scrapes 18oz! That's quite similar to Isla's current routine albeit without breakfast. She has a bottle at 7am and then goes back to sleep till about 10am! I'm going to start waking her up at 8.30am for breakfast from tomorrow! I'll see how that goes over the next couple of weeks.

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