Decreased movement?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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I'm just wondering if any of you have days when you don't feel baby move much at all? My little man was very very quiet yesterday, I only had the odd prod & poke all day!

I've felt him this morning while I was lying in bed so I know he's ok but i'm used to him moving everytime I sit still and he didn't do it yesterday!

Do you think he was just having a lazy day or was maybe kicking me where I couldn't feel? Or maybe he's running out of room already?!

It's so worrying when they don't do what they usually do!

Ooo maybe he kicks me alot at night but it doesn't wake me up yet? Who knows! lol

Oh poo I forgot to ask if anyone's suffering from really bad leg cramps? I've had terrible cramp in the same calf twice now. Should I mention it to my MW next week? x
Hey hun, yes I have decreased movement at times and was getting a bit worried but am putting it down to less room in there for bub's and also they are in their sleeping pattern... calf cramps, ohhhh yes, get these during the night too. I always put my mind at ease though and dig out the doppler and have a wee check every now and then x
Cheers hun! I know i'm probably worrying for nothing but when I get used to his pattern then he decides to change it it really throws me! lol

Glad (in a strange way) that the leg cramps are affecting others too! Maybe its a vein being pinched or something?! Bloody hurts tho! x
Tell me about it lol happens to me especially at night when I try to straighten my leg, I know what you mean about the pattern changing hun lol, also the movement I am finding isn't as strong as it used to be... x
Maybe our boys are behaving and sitting head down? I think they can do it this early can't they? x
Yeah roughly about now they can do it, get an awful pain time to time too right in my left hand side of my groin that I used to think he was sitting on but now it goes on for a day at a time..... oh the joys huh lol x
my son has his off days and is really quiet but he soon makes up for it lol!! :)
my babys always been pretty quiet compared to all u guys little beans so i cant help with the movement but i had terrible leg cramps with my last son and ive moved a few times in the last few nights and got slight cramps so i think mine are on the way again im dreading it lol mine brought me so close to tears x
I end up grabbing my calf and trying not to scream out or grab my OH while he's sleeping lol

My little Man has been moving alot this morning thank goodness, he's kicking me very high up today though so maybe he has gone head down already?!

Hopeful - i think i've had that groin pain twice, it's very sore! Bubs has a horrible habit of sqirming around on my bladder too making it feel like it's being squeezed!! Not a very pleasent feeling! lol x
im the same still felt movement but doesnt seem as much. my lo has his head right down already which is why i had to have a rescan cos couldnt see his face. lol.

cramp i am getting all the time. im in pain constantly. get it everytime i stand up in my legs. can press a button and get it in my hands. its awful. starting to get me down.

A couple of weeks ago I ended up rushing into antenatal because I hadn't felt her move for over 24 hours - I had lain awake all night worrying. As soon as the doppler was on my stomach she kicked me! Lol! The midwife said it is normal to feel times when they don't move much as they are still small enough to turn around a lot so she was probably kicking into my back. I still worry though if I haven't felt anything for a few hours.

I also am suffering with painful cramp, stand barefoot on a cold floor. My mother said that will help. I'm not sure if it works but getting to the cold floor gives me something else to focus on apart from the pain- leg cramps really hurt!!

I have been getting calf cramp when i stretch my leg out in bed...i never thought it was pregnancy related though? Weird! I wouldn't worry about movement now my little one is quiet some days xxx
Cramp tip. Pull your toes forward too your shin it pulls out cramp ASAP and stop a screaming fit lol. Hth x x

Or point I meant lol can't even reach my toes lol. X x

Yes my baby definitely has quiet and active days - oh the worry when he is quiet!!! On Sunday I realised I couldn't feel him and couldn't remember when I last felt him.....started getting really worried - jiggled my belly to get him to move, then got hubby to have a go.....nothing for about 15 mins. I was really feeling sick with worry, then we both felt this little kick - OMG the relief!!! Hubby was so annoyed at me for panicking and getting him worrried, said I never let the poor baby sleep, lol.

I think sometimes they get themselves into a position where they are further back, or just that they are in a tight squeeze and can't move as much. It really is worrying when they go quiet though! xxx
one of my friend had terrible leg cramps during her pregnancy and her doctor (in France) told her that it was due to a lack of potassium which is quite common for pregnant women..told her to eat one banana a day ,there is also plenty of potassium in other fruits and vegs..
I'm drinking banana milkshake as I type .... don't spose that counts?! lol

My boy has been booting me lots today ..... phew! x
I say Bring on the banoffee pies ! lol
Oooo we're off out to dinner on Saturday for my 30th! I'm defo checking out the pudding menu! lol x

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