Scan tomorrow + a question about movement


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I know there have been a lot of posts asking about decreased movement, but I haven't felt anything for a few days now, not even flutters - is this normal?
Last week I was feeling movement every day and even felt a couple of fairly strong taps (kicks!) so the fact I've felt nothing at all since maybe saturday is worrying me.

I should probably add that I've only recently started feeling proper movements (last couple of weeks or so), so for it to suddenly stop feels weird.

Got my anomaly scan tomorrow - a huge mix of excitement and nerves! I reeally hope we can find out the sex :)
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I'm a newbie to this baby stuff so can't offer any advice but never the less, good luck! I'm sure everything will be fine :) xxx
Hiya hun, good luck for the scan tomorrow :). I think sometimes people can go a few days without feeling much movement, also coz you have only started feeling kicks the baby could be more active when you are sleeping - hence why you dont feel it. i wouldn't worry hun.

My kicks mostly happen when i am relaxed, lying down or comfy on the sofa, but they now happen during the day and i get a fright sometimes when she kicks hard haha!

Enjoy your scan tomorrow, hope baby is well, and you find out what team you are on! :) xxx
In the first 2/3 weeks that I was feeling baby move I had a few days that I didn't feel anything too, it's hard not to worry but I'm sure your babys just got him/herself into a position that you can't feel the kicking, or maybe just having a few lazy days lol :)

Good luck for your scan :D can't wait to hear what team your on!!

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Hello hun hope all goes well for your 20 week scan today. When I first felt baby there was no real pattern I would for a day and then not for a couple it would be on and off. Last week I didn't feel baby move for days I swear so went a and e etc and got checked and he's fine. Midwife and scanner both said he was a wriggly little thing but I couldn't feel him! After all the prodding and poking he seemed to move more and more so I reckon he will go quiet again for a bit so I gotta try not worry! I suppose they are growing at this stage and they do a lot of that when they sleep! U finding out ur team? Xx
OOOhh good luck at scan today, how exciting!! I would not worry about movement too much. Mine last week was nuts but then had about 3 days not feeling a thing but yesterday back to movement again. I read its normal for a few lazy days. At least your scan will put your mind at rest. What time is your scan?
Yes Constantstar, as long as baby behaves then we will be finding out our team :)
Thanks for all your help, my scan is at 1.40pm, I'll be back to update on how it went :)
Good luck for the scan hun. Hope baby cooperates
It went really well thanks Katiejane, I did a seperate post with the scan picture :) It's a girl!

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