~*~*~* December Testing Thread *~*~*~

I wish I could take the credit but it was his idea. He saw how upset I was when I realised af was coming!
Then said I know what we did wrong. Not enough morning sex lol!
I have a feeling he benefits slightly more than me but I'm game to keep things fresh!
Added Linx :dust: FX!!!

Is morning sex better for TTC? I'm wondering if that is one of the reasons why we haven't conceived yet, we haven't had morning sex at all...mmmm so going to try it tomorrow morning as well!
Had my scan today and she said my lining looks good and I defo ovulated on my own yay.6dpo today..ordered some cheapie s that are coming on wed/Thurs xx
Ooooohhh what good news MillieL!!! FX hun, I really pray that this is your month! xxx
I have no idea if it's better but I can remember getting a positive opk and oh having one too many drinks that night so I sat and cried in the toilet cos he had fell asleep Lmao. The next morning we dtd and I was pregnant with my little girl! X x
I hope so! OH had his repeatsperm analyses and we find out the results on our next appt on the 19th December xx
Added Sunflower :hugs:

Oooohhh so many ladies testing on my bday (22nd) I really pray that December is a good month for us all and that each one of us can end 2017 with a :bfp: - sticky beans for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
Updated Baby Cakes and Hopeful :hugs: :dust:

Not feeling anything different, Baby Cakes can be a good sign! Many women don't have any symptoms before they get their bfp. I think, if I remember correctly, GG didn't have much in the way of symptoms too. FX the :witch: broke her broom!

I had no symptoms for the first time before my bfp. I couldn't spot any at all no matter how I tried...i was so convinced i wasn't? So Kat is right!
Ooo....morning sex....i like the idea of that! Maybe thats they key? Usually men are only too ready first thing too haha!
Ooo....morning sex....i like the idea of that! Maybe thats they key? Usually men are only too ready first thing too haha!

Lmao! It's worth a try even just to shake things up a bit lol!
Think I could be out already. Just had some pink spottingso no doubt af is on her way! Frustrating as only ov 7 days ago so must have short luteal phase which worries me
Noooo pink spotting is really good at 7dpo!!!!!! You aren't out till it's bright red blood hun! Bright red is AF, pink or brown could be implantation bleeding!
It's now red so af is here boo!! Oh well - I'll get another shot in Dec at least.. put me
Down for 28th Dec please
Hey can you add me in. I phoned up about my hsg but told me it wont be till January. So we can try this month. If you put me down for 24th please ! Thanks !

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