~*~*~* December Testing Thread *~*~*~

AF due Saturday 9th, if doesn't show will test on Sunday 10th. Signs this month, 2 nosebleeds yesterday?!? Strange. Anyone think this is a good sign or just cold weather?

Added for the 10th

It could very well be an indication of EP

Because of your increased blood volume (about 30% more blood gets pumped around your body during pregnancy) and the effect of pregnancy hormones on your connective tissues and mucous membranes, it's extremely common to suffer nose bleeds and bleeding gums during pregnancy

Good Luck

I had a nose bleed and bleeding gums last cycle ...and the cold...still never got my bfp. ...all my symptoms seem to be fake! I am sure my mind is causing them all to happen!
Well. Guess I'm on my way to a SECOND + OPK this cycle, an no closer to actual O ...my BBT isn't rising. It went from 36.47 to 36.57 and down again this morning to 36.52. I'm at my wits end. :wall2:

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:wall2: :wall2: :wall2:

But isn't that good? You want it to dip if it's ovulation - your temp only rises after ovulation. Could be your body is trying to ovulate.

That's just it. It started with 36.47 (a typical post O dip temp for me) then it went up to 36.57 - it should have risen further this morning to confirm O at CD18. I guess I'm just anxious because DH is leaving Friday and if I don't O now then we'll miss our shot. I'm dissapointed too because I thought I O already. I also don't want my body to start having ovulation problems. I'm bleek enough as it is.

To be honest, temping is not an exact science. My fertility doctor said he didn't really believe in it but it gave women something to do! Just dtd today and get it in there before he goes. It doesn't mean you are having ovulation problems.

I sometimes get a random low temp. As long as it goes up again and stays it's good.
11 dpo today... did an ic with fmu and bfn. Feeling crampy and very much like AF on the way... think I’m due Sat so we will see but I think it’s game over for me.

At least it means I can drink at Xmas!! Clouds and silver linings x
Sorry havent been on the last few days.work has gone mental! How is everyone? Sorry to hear those whose af has arrived and good luck to all those testing this month. My af dye monday/tuesday so if i can hold out till sunday will test then! But likely to cave!
TRally hoping to see some more bfp this month come on ladies let’s spread some Christmas magic x
Either getting ovulation symptoms or AF is coming early. Makes sense since I just stopped preventing, anyways my cycle is a little messed up at the moment so I might hold off any testing til next month. Baby dust to all!

Either getting ovulation symptoms or AF is coming early. Makes sense since I just stopped preventing, anyways my cycle is a little messed up at the moment so I might hold off any testing til next month. Baby dust to all!


Sounds just like what I'm going through!! x
Sounds just like what I'm going through!! x

It's so annoying, fingers crossed for the both of us. :pray: Hours feel sooooo long when you don't know.

No big deal for me if it is AF since we're not even actively trying yet! This is all still very exciting and new :D

Cd13 for me. Ov due in a few days... Iv been so grumpy. Oh must have known ov is due soon as he woke me up at his 3am alarm to dtd because he will be asleep when I get in from work at 10.30 tonight! Same again tomorrow morning I imagine lol!
Cd13 for me. Ov due in a few days... Iv been so grumpy. Oh must have known ov is due soon as he woke me up at his 3am alarm to dtd because he will be asleep when I get in from work at 10.30 tonight! Same again tomorrow morning I imagine lol!

3am! Jeez that's what I call dedication. Hope you got to sleep a little afterwards hehe.


In other news the witch has come so I'm out for testing until January. Sending good vibes and baby dust to all ya'll.

Cd13 for me. Ov due in a few days... Iv been so grumpy. Oh must have known ov is due soon as he woke me up at his 3am alarm to dtd because he will be asleep when I get in from work at 10.30 tonight! Same again tomorrow morning I imagine lol!

3am! Jeez that's what I call dedication. Hope you got to sleep a little afterwards hehe.


In other news the witch has come so I'm out for testing until January. Sending good vibes and baby dust to all ya'll.


Oh no so sorry to hear af has arrived! Good luck for a new year bfp! :hugs:

I got some sleep but it was broken lol. He's a postie so has to be at work for 4am, some mornings it's 3am. And the week before Xmas he may as well live there!
Sorry to hear AF has arrived Sev, best of luck for a baby making Christmas then x
Im just catching up as not been on much since AF.
Im cd 6 I think, nothing much going on for me except Christmas shopping! Xxx
Whos testing soon? X
I'm still in surpringly! Seems that my body has reset itself onto a new schedule since IUD removal!

Still not sure what's going on but still on track for testing on the 15th..... even if AF arrives, at least I'll know where I stand!

Hi ladies .. Can I be put down for 23rd Dec please! BFP would be the best Christmas present EVER! xxx
Think Ive just been tipped over the edge again. Annnnother one of my frriends is pregnant. She literally got married 6 months ago. What the hell ....ahhhrrgh trying not to be jealous and hate my reproductive system.

I think you should take me out Dec testing thread. We have only dtd once and I ovulated cd#9. Will prob dtd tonight and over wknd but completely missed tbe window. Def out..trying once? I feel like I am giving up. Maybe I should have just said we need a break. I am just so exhausted with same routine and results for 1 year.

I am the kinda gal who works mega hard and does what I need to achieve it no matter what. I literally set a goal and I do it. I have tried so hard.....its breaking me. How do do you jeep going after the 1st year?

I know its hearing this pregnancy that bas got to me (again) but am so sad !
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Think Ive just been tipped over the edge again. Annnnother one of my frriends is pregnant. She literally got married 6 months ago. What the hell ....ahhhrrgh trying not to be jealous and hate my reproductive system.

I think you should take me out Dec testing thread. We have only dtd once and I ovulated cd#9. Will prob dtd tonight and over wknd but completely missed tbe window. Def out..trying once? I feel like I am giving up. Maybe I should have just said we need a break. I am just so exhausted with same routine and results for 1 year.

I am the kinda gal who works mega hard and does what I need to achieve it no matter what. I literally set a goal and I do it. I have tried so hard.....its breaking me. How do do you jeep going after the 1st year?

I know its hearing this pregnancy that bas got to me (again) but am so sad !

So sorry Alexis xx

You keep going because it's something you really want, I really hope it will happen for you soon. I know you don't feel like you covered this cycle but it only takes one try though! I only dtd once (maybe twice) the cycle I did actually get pregnant and I had no idea when I ovulated or anything it was all by chance. So it could still happen for you this cycle.

I found waiting for scans/investigations/ivf appointments etc. made it a little easier at times as it was something to look forward to/focus on. So it's good you're on that path but hopefully you won't need any help and it will just happen.
Millie thanks for your reply. I keep thinking maybe the 1 time I try only once and don't have a clue where I am in my cycle as opks not making sence...maybe just maybe it happens but I know I have no luck in those kinda things and I believe in luck...bad luck..fate etc.

I just have thos thing in my head it will happen before summer, so from now till May ..it's just a gut instinct
Sorry to hear this alexis but millie is right, it only takes once. When i got pregnant in july we had not been ttc and dtd once so wasnt tracking ovulation. Since having mc im much more aware of ovulation so mot sure me being so focussed on ot has helped us this time. We have decided to ttc till end of year then calling it a day. Your luck is due to change and you are certainly due for some good luck. Ive been on xmas do this lunchtime and had to sit next to.someone who has just announced she is pg! I had to have a fake smile all afternoon! Remember you joining to forum this time last year just after me....hard to believe sometimes we are still in the ttc thread. Really really hoping you get your bfp this time....maybe not being as focussed on it as Ovulation caught you off guard my work in your favour. How many dpo are you? Take care hun x
Sorry to hear this alexis but millie is right, it only takes once. When i got pregnant in july we had not been ttc and dtd once so wasnt tracking ovulation. Since having mc im much more aware of ovulation so mot sure me being so focussed on ot has helped us this time. We have decided to ttc till end of year then calling it a day. Your luck is due to change and you are certainly due for some good luck. Ive been on xmas do this lunchtime and had to sit next to.someone who has just announced she is pg! I had to have a fake smile all afternoon! Remember you joining to forum this time last year just after me....hard to believe sometimes we are still in the ttc thread. Really really hoping you get your bfp this time....maybe not being as focussed on it as Ovulation caught you off guard my work in your favour. How many dpo are you? Take care hun x

Hi I am cd#15 but no idea if I ovulated cos my opk went almost positive but usualy goes darker...it then went white and is looked lije it was getting darker again but then it went white again ..so looked dark on Cd#9 but could habe been positive cd #8 as I never checked it. I only had a 3 day red flow and 2 days of brown d/c. ...I had more ovulation pains all today but thick thick ewcm..my cervix is low and open so going to get on it tonight but really no idea whats going on. I will add a pic on to my ttc diary for you to see...its very weird! I have my normal achey boobs ...so sore !but opk is def negative??
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