~*~*~* December Testing Thread *~*~*~

Im definitely out, its af for sure, on the day 28 my typical cycle. Sooo....im now in the running for testing Christmas day albeit early but I will be testing anyway.
Off to stock up on opks and take my agnus castus again xxx
Im definitely out, its af for sure, on the day 28 my typical cycle. Sooo....im now in the running for testing Christmas day albeit early but I will be testing anyway.
Off to stock up on opks and take my agnus castus again xxx

:hugs: I'm sorry TT! Can you imagine how amazing it would be to get your BFP on Christmas day! The best present ever! :)
Sorry to those who are out already :(

Good luck Alexis!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

CD10 for me. Started dtd this morning. Gonna try and do OPKs morning and evening to try and pinpoint the surge so we can really make sure it's covered. Doubt it will make a difference though.
So sorry TT

Well surprise freaking surprise :( I took my temp this morning and it seems I didn't O. Had a +OPK and EWCM but no O. I'm trying really hard not to chuck this entire TTC business in the f*ck it bucket and move on. I'm just so over it

*edit* had a minute to calm down lol. What happened was last night I did another OPK just to see if the line was getting lighter, but it was 95% +. So I did bbt this morning and sure as crap there it was, 36.47 degrees. I never O'd. On the bright side, that's a good pos ovulation temp (a low temp before the rise), we dtd this morning using preseed and I dosed up on castis and Fertilaid. I'll continue to temp until the thermal shift has been confirmed. It makes me wonder though... I had a +OPK and EWCM and didn't O... How many of us think we O and miss our window because it actually occurs later or earlier than we think...
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Sorry I haven’t ovulated yet katd. I no what u mean this is y I try and keep up the every other day until af comes altho it’s hard work lol x
Thanks Rach :hugs: it would be the ideal but DH and I are struggling to keep it up over the fertile window, nevermind an entire month. Neither one of us do well with timed sex. We've always been content with spontaneous intercourse so adjusting to regular, timed intercourse has been incredibly hard on us and our marriage. We try really hard though and DH has been such an amazing support, he really goes above and beyond so it breaks my heart when it all just gets too much and he is unable to finish. I can't bear it because I know it hurts him so much. Lol buuut it will happen for us, I just hoped it would sooner rather than later. I can't wait for all this pressure to lift so that we can get back to a normal life
Go go go Alexis!! Have a try lying on your front after? Really think it could be the month for you! Xxx

I tried the lying on my front all last cycle ..I am back on the asprin since last cycle. Really horrible shooting pains yest and today ..
Thanks Rach :hugs: it would be the ideal but DH and I are struggling to keep it up over the fertile window, nevermind an entire month. Neither one of us do well with timed sex. We've always been content with spontaneous intercourse so adjusting to regular, timed intercourse has been incredibly hard on us and our marriage. We try really hard though and DH has been such an amazing support, he really goes above and beyond so it breaks my heart when it all just gets too much and he is unable to finish. I can't bear it because I know it hurts him so much. Lol buuut it will happen for us, I just hoped it would sooner rather than later. I can't wait for all this pressure to lift so that we can get back to a normal life

If our blokes told their mates that they get as much sex as they want as many times a month as they want, they'd probably be so very jealous, but it's not as fantastic as it's cracked up to be! It's hard work for us and them!!

It's so good that you have a bloke who is strong enough to stand by you through this maddness :) xx
It is hard going and this is only first proper month of trying since mmc so I don’t no if we could even keep it up after another month but I guess time will tell. Hey think my opk is negative again today so I’m guessing I’ve now ovulated? X
I am out :( Af arrive on Saturday a day earlier than usual which is shocked me as I had a Chem the month before.
Oh Tara :hugs: I am so very, very sorry hun xxxx
It is what it is.... CD day 3 now :nap: only another month wait. But hopefully a lovely new years surprise for us!
Definitely keeping everything crossed for you :dust:
Oh Laura! I haven't been on in a while and I'm so so happy to see you have finally got your BFP! C'mon team Norn Iron! lol It's great to see that December seems to be getting off to a positive start too! I've got my FX for everyone testing at the minute! I so hope your wisps get stronger TT! :)
Thank you! Yay team Norn Iron!! Haha we got this. I'll be stalking you til the end pidgeridoo hehe :dust: :dust: xx

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Kat - can you ad me back in for the 30th! My expected AF date will fall twice in Dec.
Added :) I'm keeping my FX for a new year's :bfp: for you!
After having a positive opk test when I randomly tested at cd#9 which stayed positive for 3 days is now 100% negative on cd#12. Never had it so early. Managed to dtd last night but prob too late ! I was trying to convince myself it wasn't quite positive but then I normally see a gradual line progression every cycle without fail and this stayed the same colour/darkness until this morning it's stark white. Makes no sence for me to ovulate 3 days after my af has gone and who knows - it could have been positive the day before too? I don't nornally test till cd#10 and never get a 2nd line till around cd#11 then gradually gets darker every day.Anyone ever had this?
Hi everyone. My spotting which lasted 8 days has settled (I think) - still worried when wiping. Only done internet cheapies and lines not showing much progression which worries me. Period never arrived yesterday so assuming I am preg but it's a shy one..I'm testing each day just hoping lines get darker!
Until then I'll be staying here as don't want to move to Aug group yet. Fingers crossed we get more bfps before Xmas!

Oh and I've got such a sore throat today - think I've picked up another virus after just getting rid of a sinus infection. Not sure if your immune system is worse in preg??!

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