December/January babies - Xmas question

It's funny you should say that as I don't see him at all over christmas as we split up for xmas day, and boxing day he goes out with his mates (but tradition all of them go out), funnily enough tho our anniversary is x-mas eve!
what are you all doing about planning xmas? my lo is due on 17th December but if he's a week late i'll be in hospital with my legs in the air screaming murder whilst everywhere else the Turkey is being served up :roll:

Love that image Pos!!
Ahh I was in your position last year, so exciting...

I was in hosp for a few days before the birth of my son, very early jan due to a bleed, and two postnatel ladies on our 3 bed ward! - sai they were in over xmas day. They got a cracker with their normal food meal!!! (not xmas dinner) and they pulled them to tell each other the jokes and they both got the same one!!

Don't forget ladies the house of Frazer sell teddy bears with the year of birth embroifered on teddys foot. I'm not into teddys but my kids have them as a special birth bear fron their Nana. My eldest we got of Ebay as he had missed out. question is whuch year will your LO's need!!

Mine was Jan 6th and so he has not had his first xmas yet! and will get a lovely 2011 bear this xmas time
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I've told OH's mum that she's to send an xmas dinner to the hospital for me lol! I think the chances of him coming on time are so slim tho (famous last words!) Xmas eve would be a mean birthday to have!!

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