december due mamas

Awww so cute! Did the hospital put the little labels on (like face etc) or did you? It's really sweet xxx
The hospital did it for me , so was quite nice to see where everything was hehe x
I'm booking in tomorrow morning at what I think is 11+1 scan isn't till 21st though. I'm not sure I can wait that long. I'm also a high risk pregnancy as I'm overweight and diabetic with gd already started.
I wonder if they'll move your scan, 14 weeks seems late, although mine is at 13 weeks. Fingers crossed all will be fine for you Caz, is this your first? Xxx
Caz if you want the downsynsrome screening then mention it they can only to it till 13weeks. I'll be 12week and 6 days so only just make the screening. Wouldn't chance anything if it came back high risk just would like to no in advance to prepare. The scan pic is so cute Clara can't wait to have mine and a pic of bubba. :) xx
The midwife from the hospital phoned me earlier and I have strep B again, so as soon as I go into labour I need to get to the hospital and start antibiotics and will be given them through labour and after labour and baby will be given them too, a little sad as it means I'll be in hospital a few days and away for my son but just glad I found out this time round before baby is born.
My NHS booklet from the midwife says they can test from 10-14 weeks for Downs Syndrome, Edwards and Pataus. Where did you hear 13? I'll be 13 weeks and 1 day when I go... Xxx
The midwife from the hospital phoned me earlier and I have strep B again, so as soon as I go into labour I need to get to the hospital and start antibiotics and will be given them through labour and after labour and baby will be given them too, a little sad as it means I'll be in hospital a few days and away for my son but just glad I found out this time round before baby is born.

I've never heard of that before. Can they not do anything before you go in to labour?

I'm sure your son will miss his mummy but it'll be even nicer when you get home and are one family :) xxx
I've to start a course of antibiotics but because I had it before they're just going to treat me at the time
The ultrasound woman on the phone said 13 weeks to me but I'm sure the midwife said different. The ultrasound woman said am a sure on my dates as anything past 13 they can't test for downs so am confused �� Don't no weva or not to ring up and make sure that's Right or not :/ xx
Just had a look on websites and it says between 11-14 weeks for the downs screening. God knows what the ultrasound woman was on about to me :-/ don't make me feel confident her not knowing the right information. X
Finally told work today that I was pregnant, and the first question was how long are you having off and we want you back for at least 4 days.....!! Cheers then! Can't believe I will be 12 weeks tomorrow! Can't wait for my scan on Wednesday this week has dragged soo badly!! Hope everyone is getting on well!! Exciting times ahead xx
I've had a bad time with the sickness the last couple of days. On the plus side had my first propper MW visit today and heard baby's heartbeat. She found it super quick and it was really strong which isnt always easy so early. Will be 12 weeks tomorrow. It was so nice. Kind of gives all this feeling horrid a reason.

Sorry you have strep b again mummywanabe. Was that in your urine?
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Yeh it was urine sample at my booking in appointment she said I've a unti which is showing up positive for group B strep., have been started on amoxicillin now, when I start labour I'll need it throughout labour and after and baby will have antibiotics when born to make sure risk is reduced
Hello Ladies. I hope you are all well - or a least feeling better. I'm so glad I'm not suffering like some of you. I'm just struggling with tiredness, come 8pm I just want to sleep.
I had my first midwife appointment on Tuesday. I have my booking appointment on the 14th June, and I'm waiting for my 12 week scan appointment. I can't wait for my scan so that I can tell everyone, especially work as I'm struggling to hide my bump! Although I'm not looking forward to telling my boss!

I've taken a look in the testing book I was given and it says up to 14 weeks.
I haven't been on for a few days so I haven't caught up on what's gone on. Just wanted to say good luck for your scan today tonks! Xx

Thanks Slb just got back and everything is fine. In just waiting on syndrome results to come back. My due date has been pulled forward from 11th Dec to 6th Dec so I'm now 13+2. Can't wait to show my toddler the photos later. Still can't believe I've got this far never thought it would happen!!


Aaww congratulations Hun! I'm going to take my little girl with us and hope everything's okay.
Beautiful scan picture :) xx

I'm sure it will be Hun I got the date wrong just checked my notes and its the 7th not the 6th I swear she said the 6th.

Your little girl will love it xx


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