december due mamas

I haven't really had any symptoms (I know you probably all hate me, I would if I was in your position!). I've only had tender and itchy boobs, increased appetite and a few cramps.

All was fine at my scan at 7 weeks though (including a heart beat) so just keeping my fingers crossed it's all okay and I'm just really lucky! Xxx
Awww I'm sure the scan will be fine sib always a relief when you see the little heartbeat :-) does anyone kno what the first bloods taken test for isit the Down's syndrome/ spunabithida one? Over thinking at the midwife tomorrow n abit nervous with it all even tho this isn't my first baby. Seen consultant and midwife at hospital last week and what they assured me on Iv just panicked over my emotions are all over atm. Xx
Ikklemoi .. The bloods are to find out your blood group, iron levels, and check for certain stds.
The one for Down's syndrome is straight after your 12 week scan.

Babyfrog you've been very lucky! Lol I've had a scan and everything was fine. I'm just a worrier lol xx

I know, I'm trying to be cautious in case it bites me on the bum and the rest of my pregnancy is awful :) xxx
Anyone else not feel pregnant? I keep panicking lol

I think it's because the sickness has passed but I keep forgetting I'm pregnant lol

I'm tired but only on an evening and emotional at everything lol but other than that I feel fine.
I know it's a good thing seeing as how some of you ladies are suffering but in really nervous somethings wrong :/ xx

I know exactly what you mean!! Now the sickness has pretty much passed I have no other symptoms. No sore boobs even!

Still getting up at least 3 times in the night for the loo though so holding that as a positive!

Scan not till the 14th and I'm so desperate to see everythings ok!!
Oh actually, I need loads of wees during the night too! I don't seem as bad during the day though?! Xxx
I don't feel pregnant because I feel too ill too. Bunny I'm managing to eat a bit but struggling with fluid and then it will switch round. I've just had another vomiting session. Spent all last night in hospital and I'll have to go back in the morning as I feel dreadful and still have ketones in my urine. You're so lucky having home visits. I ended up going to see my GP in my pyjamas! X
Hello ladies. Sorry some of you are still feeling poorly :(
I have my dating scan tomorrow when I should be 13+4 and then I think I have to head over to tri 2 :eek:
I went back to work last week after 4 weeks off and I'm honestly wondering if it's been a mistake. I had asked if I could not do any opens in the morning but low and behold I've got some next week and thinking of telling them to stick it. All the other staff get to dictate when they work but when I try it, it never happens. Sorry ended up in a wee rant there lol! If I can get to 27 weeks then I'll be happy and I'll just take my maternity I think xx

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Tonks I've made a Dec 2016 mums thread in Tri 2 now I'll try and keep it update when u all join us over there xo

No it's def not a dodgy tum!!
I feel like this when I have indigestion which I used to get quiet a lot anyway even when not pregnant and I think bread aggravates it!

I feel like I should have toilet troubles but that side is actually ok.

It's on the back burner today but I can feel it brewing again.

Now I'm back at work after hols I feel the sickness back no way near as bad but it's still affecting my concentration I'm eating Pom bears, ritz crackers and boiled sweet.

I'm so anxious for Friday's scan!!


I'm still hanging out in here for now there's nobody over in Tri 2 yet lol, hope everyone is good x
I don't feel pregnant because I feel too ill too. Bunny I'm managing to eat a bit but struggling with fluid and then it will switch round. I've just had another vomiting session. Spent all last night in hospital and I'll have to go back in the morning as I feel dreadful and still have ketones in my urine. You're so lucky having home visits. I ended up going to see my GP in my pyjamas! X

I know what you mean about not feeling pregnant. I just feel sick. At least I don't get too much chance to worry about the baby I guess.
Hey ladies, just back from my appointment with midwife she weighted me worked out bmi and said that in over Weight asked if a wanted to see a dietitian �� I'm mortified with it tbh. Also been prescribed folic acid and adviced to take multi vitamins all way through pregnancy. There's also two additional tests aswell as Down syndrome and spunabithida they test for now too. A lot as changed since last baby nearly 4 year ago xx
They said I was obese and I only weigh half a stone more than when I was first pregnant with my son, didn't get any additional tests though, dunno why they wait til ur 12 weeks before asking u to take extra folic acid isn't it too late by then?
I'm 11 week tomorrow and folic acid just till 12 weeks sorry didn't make that clear the multi vits are recommended all way through pregnancy specially vitamin D she said. She gave me a few boxes of multi vitamins. Don't think they should say obese when yah pregnant could surely cause some ppl to not wanna eat. Can't believe it at all even a booklet in my maternity pack about been overweight in pregnancy. Xx
I had a phone call from my midwife saying my consultant at the hospital has recommended I take baby aspirin. I'm 10 weeks, surely it's a bit late to start with that now? I've bought some but I'm worried to take it in case it does more harm than good
What's the baby aspirin for for madsticks? If your worried can't you ask for abit more information about it etc? Xx
It's because of my previous miscarriages as low dose aspirin can help circulation due to thinning the blood. I think I'm going to ask the midwife if maybe I can take one every couple of days because I've already done a lot to improve my circulation , even though that was never highlighted as the reason for the MCs.

How is everyone today? I've been up since 3.30 after needing a wee and not getting back to sleep. No nausea yet today, waiting for that to kick in when I get to work!
I'm good thankyou Hun, How are you doing? Been waiting for midwife to call with a scan appointment was ment to have called yesterday when a left but nothing from her yet. Oh yeah It can't hurt to ask if it's ok every couple of days etc. Woke up about 5 this morning which is actually a lay in for me. Hope the nausea isn't bad at work for you xx
Had my scan yesterday !! Little pickle kept curling up ! So think it's due around the 11th and 13th of December !!! :) eeeek excited !! Xxxx


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